Egypt, Palestine, Syria (First World War)
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Also see
- Actions in Egypt 1914-15
- Prisoners of the Turks (First World War)
- FIBIS database transcriptions taken from WW1 War Diaries WO 95 series. Includes names transcribed from War Diaries by 1/72nd Punjabis Feb 1918 to May 1919 in Egypt and Palestine TNA WO95/4689.
Regimental and Corps Histories
- History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery : the Forgotten Fronts and the Home Base 1914-18 by Sir Martin Farndale 1988. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01008145796
- Light Car Patrols, 1916-19 : War and Exploration in Egypt and Libya with the Model T Ford : a Memoir by Captain Claud H. Williams, 1/1st Pembroke Yeomanry, attached No. 5 Light Car Patrol ; with introduction and history of the Patrols by Russell McGuirk 2013. Available at the BL UIN: BLL01016479011 . Sample pages Google Books. Contents Those who have institutional access to may possibly be able to access the book text online.
- The Railway Gazette Special War Transportation Number, originally published in September 1920, as part of The Railway Gazette and Railway News. Described at the time as ‘the first connected account’ of the role of railways and inland water transport in supporting the British military campaign during the Great War of 1914-18. Contains a wealth of detail on operations on most Fronts inc. the organisation of wartime transportation; statistics and Fronts, including Railway Operations in Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Palestine & East Africa. Available at the British Library as part of UIN: BLL01013904893 or in a 2013 reprint edition UIN: BLL01016871224. Also available in a reprint edition[1].
External links
- Indian Cavalry In Palestine. Hansard House of Lords 21 May 1919, an archived page.
- Photograph: 9th Hodson's Horse in General Chauvel's march through Damascus, 2 October 1918. National Army Museum.
- Watercolour: Hodson's Horse at Aleppo : encamped about a mile from the town, on the Alexandretta Road 10 November 1918 Imperial War Museums
- Sanitation, Sand & Shells: The War Diary of Alfred M. Cockburn 2nd London Sanitary Company, Royal Army Medical Corps who served in Egypt and France. Produced for an exhibition at the Museum of Military Medicine. Diary extracts and images.
- Soldiers’ Stories: [Account extracts]. Private William Bowyer of 1/1st Buckinghamshire Yeomanry (Royal Bucks Hussars). Egypt’s Western Desert in 1915.
- Soldiers' Stories: Captain Walter Bagot-Chester 3rd Battalion The 3rd Queen Alexandra’s Own Gurkha Rifles, awarded the Military Cross (MC) for his part in the Third Battle of Gaza, Palestine, in November 1917. National Army Museum.
- The Australian Light Horse: A Study of the Evolution of Tactical and Operational Maneuver by Edwin L Kennedy. 1991 Thesis for the degree of Master of Military Art and Science, US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth Kansas. "This study analyzes the actions of the Australian Light Horse in the Middle East campaign during WWI."
- General Allenby and the campaign of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, June 1917 - November 1919 by Matthew Dominic Hughes. PhD Thesis King's College London (University of London) 1995. Also available through the British Library EThOS
- Cavalry of the Clouds: Aspects of the Air War in the Eastern Theatre,1914-1918 by C H. Whitley 1997. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in History in the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Link to a pdf download to your computer, which depending on your browser, you may need to locate in your downloads folder.
- Armageddon’s Lost Lessons: Combined Arms Operations in Allenby’s Palestine Campaign by Gregory A Daddis Major, US Army. Air Command and Staff College Wright Flyer Paper No. 20, 2005. Includes the role of airpower in the Middle East.
- "The First Recorded Aeromedical Evacuation in the British Army - The True Story" by Eran Dolev J R Army Med Corps 1986; 132: 34-36. The first British aeromedical evacuation occurred at Bir-el-Hassana, in the Sinai desert, on February 19, 1917. The patient was Lance-Corporal MacGregor, from the 2nd Battalion of the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade, who had been shot by a Bedouin. He was evacuated by a B .E.2c aeroplane.
- Abstract and first page of the article "Chemical Warfare and the Palestine Campaign, 1916-1918" by Yigal Sheffy The Journal of Military History, Society for Military History, Volume 73, Number 3, July 2009
- Bibliography: Egyptian Expeditionary Force in WW1
- Philately: Sinai & Gaza - Part 3: World War I, British Empire and Allies by Edmund Hall (ESC 239) QC (Quarterly Circular) September Quarter 2012, p156-165. This is a journal/publication of the Egyptian Study Circle, UK (Egyptian Philately)
- "The Overland Routes to Egypt and Salonica in World War I" by F W Daniel page 124 The Forces Postal History Society Newsletter 179 Spring 1984.
- "Overland Route to the East 1917-1919" by Andrew Brooks Forces Postal History Society Journal No 300 Summer 2014, page 179, now an archived webpage. May be slow to open.
- Videos: World War One Through Arab Eyes by Tunisian writer and broadcaster Malek Triki.[2] Al Jazeera English. YouTube videos. Episode One: The Arabs . They fought as conscripts for the European colonial powers occupying Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia – and for the Ottomans on the side of Germany and the Central Powers. Episode two: The Ottomans. Includes the history of the Ottoman-Germany relationship. Episode three: The New Middle East. Includes the way Britain and France divided the former Ottoman Empire between them.
- "The Short Life of Private Ihsan: Jerusalem 1915" by Salim Tamari. Includes extracts from the diary of an ordinary recruit in the Ottoman military headquarters in Jerusalem. The article is derived from Year of the Locust: The Great War and the Erasure of Palestine’s Ottoman Past by Salim Tamari 2008. now archived.
Photographs online
- Photographic record of the British operations in Palestine, November and December, 1917. Mostly taken by LTC Edward Davis, US Army: Military Attache and Observer. Link to 3 pdf downloads Combined Arms Research Library [CARL] Digital Library [USA].
- World War I in Palestine and the Sinai. Photograph Album of 244 images created by the photographers of the American Colony Photo Department, located in Jerusalem, which focuses on the activities of the Central Powers, the Ottoman, German, and Austro-Hungarian forces.
Maps online
- Also see next section.
- Link to 15 maps from Military operations in Egypt and Palestine then click on “Browse this collection”. Also, with some overlap, maps catalogued "World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- Palestine -- Maps.", then select Online filter. National Library of Australia.
- Egypt WW1 [Maps] and Middle East WWI [Maps] Digital Archive @ McMaster University Library.
- Maps of Western Palestine published 1880 The maps can be increased greatly in size. These were the basis of Survey Of Egypt maps published 1917-1918, which are available in the next link. The 1880 maps are from the publication Map of Western Palestine in 26 Sheets. From Surveys Conducted for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund by Lieutenants C R Conder and H H Kitchener R E during the years 1872-1877. Scale One Inch to a Mile London 1880. Books by Condor and Kitchener referring to the maps (Kitchener became Lord Kitchener, Secretary of State for War (UK) at the beginning of WW1 )
- W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem. Search the catalogue. Previously it was possible to access a collection "Maps of the Ottoman Empire", the bulk of the collection containing topographical maps compiled at the British Intelligence Division War Office in 1915 derived from map and survey data collected during multiple expeditions 1839-1906. The access was through an external website, now replaced by
- Digital Maps Digital images of maps held by the Albright Institute. AIAR website. Note some of the maps may contain many maps within.
- Palestine Exploration Fund Map in fact contains multiple maps. Survey of Egypt maps 1917-1918, updated/reprinted, refer item above for original 1880 Palestine Exploration Fund Map in 26 sheets.
- Map of Palestine, Arabia, Syria and Mesopotamia showing Lines of British Advance November 1918 Library of Congress/American Memory
- Map of Cairo (reproduced at the Survey Dept. Egypt 1914) Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
- 1920 General Map of Cairo by Survey of Egypt. Library of Congress.
- Insurance Maps of Turkey and Istanbul Fire insurance maps issued by Charles E. Goad, a London-based civil engineer c 1905. Includes Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt, and Constantinople and Smyrna in Turkey.
Historical books online
Official histories, despatches, background etc
- History of the Great War: Military Operations, Egypt & Palestine: From the Outbreak of War with Germany to June 1917 by Lieut-General Sir George MacMunn and Captain Cyril Falls HMSO 1928. Volume 2 June 1917 to the End of the War: Part 1 by Cyril B Falls 1930 From June 1917 to the End of the War Part II by Cyril Falls 1930 . versions, mirrors from Digital Library of India: Vol. 1, Vol. 2:1, Vol. 2:2.
- Online maps, either from the above volumes, or from an additional volume are available through the National Library of Australia's Search, using title: Military Operations, Egypt & Palestine/Add limits: Map and Online. From the results select Maps, and Online. Sixteen maps have been noted.
- The above volumes, including maps, are also available in reprint editions (from Naval & Military Press) on the Ancestry owned pay website as one digital book Military Operations Egypt and Palestine located in Military Books-located by the Search/Egypt, noting the volumes are displayed out of order.
- History of the Great War based on official documents. Order of Battle of Divisions Parts 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B and 4 all by Major A.F. Becke (London: HMSO, 1935-1945). Most are available on or Google Books, and all on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, which also includes a later Index volume. For details see Western Front- Historical books online-Official Histories and Battles. Includes Egypt and Palestine.
- There were subsequent publications Order of Battle of Divisions Part 5A, Divisions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand and those in East Africa, compiled by F.W. Perry c 1992. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01006378898 and Order of Battle of Divisions. Part 5B, Indian Army Divisions compiled by F. W. Perry c 1993 available at the B.L. UIN: BLL01008151437 . The latter is also catalogued with the additional title History of the Great War : based on official documents.
- Report of the Committee on the Lessons of the Great War 13 Oct 1932 includes "Appendix IV Palestine" (Details[3].) Also known as the Kirke Report it is available in a reprint edition,[4] which in turn is available online on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Britain.
- The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, 1914-1918 by H S Gullett 1923 Volume VII, The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918. The Preface states “The story… in its bolder features covers the whole British force”.
- Page 238 Khaki and Gown : an Autobiography by Field-Marshal Lord Birdwood 1941. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Late November 1914 Birdwood was appointed Corps Commander Australian and New Zealand contingent in Egypt.
- The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine by Lieut.-Colonel C Guy Powles 1922. "Printed and Published under the Authority of the N. Z. Government" Also indicated in 1919 to be Volume 3 of the New Zealand Popular History Series, see page v of Volume 1
- Despatches appearing in the London Gazette
- Sudan
- Sir Reginald Wingate despatch, Darfur Publication date: 24 October 1916 Supplement date 25th October 1916; Supplement: 29800; Page: 10365.
- Sir Reginald Wingate despatch, Darfur Publication date: 29 May 1917; Supplement: 30102; Page: 5327.
- Sir F R Wingate despatch, Sudan Publication date: 23 May 1919/27 May 1919; Supplement: 31358; Page: 6487.
- Sir Edward Northey despatch, Sudan Publication date: 16 December 1919/18 December 1919; Supplement: 31696; Page:15727.
- Sudan
- Sir Archibald Murray’s Despatches, June 1916-June 1917 [The Commander-In-Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force].
- Maps from Sir Archibald Murray's Despatches University of Toronto. These maps are not included in the file.
- History of the Great War Based on Official Documents: Medical Services: General History by G W Macpherson Volume 3 includes Egypt and Palestine. 1924 HMSO.
- Official History of the Australian Army Medical Services, 1914–1918 Volume I – Gallipoli, Palestine and New Guinea (2nd edition, 1938, first published 1930). Links to pdf downloads Australian War Memorial website.
- French Official Histories: Les Armées françaises dans la Grande Guerre Includes Tome IX. Les fronts secondaires. Premier volume. Théâtre d'opérations du Levant (Égypte - Palestine - Syrie - Hedjaz); Deuxième volume. Les campagnes coloniales : ...Opérations contre les Senoussis. With online maps (Cartes).
- Turkish Official Histories: Birinci Dünya Harbi Serisi / World War I Series from Ministry of National Defence, Republic of Turkey. Includes maps. If required use Google Translate for the website (not histories). Some of the Turkish Official Histories are discussed from page 49 in the article "Wasp or Mosquito? The Arab Revolt in Turkish Military History" by Edward J. Erickson British Journal for Military History, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2018, pages 44-59. A download to your computer. (Erikson has also written a book based on Turkish sources.[5]). In addition to the Army histories, there is also item 15 Birinci Dünya Harbi, Türk Hava Harekatı C.9 Air Operations, and item 16 Birinci Dünya Harbinde Türk Harbi, Deniz Harekâtı C.8 Naval Operations
- Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913-1919 by Djemal Pasha, Formerly…Imperial Ottoman Naval Minister, Commander of the Fourth Army in Sinai, Palestine and Syria. 1922
General histories etc
- "Germany’s Ally" Chapter 15, page 221 The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire by Alan Palmer 1994. The political situation during the WW1 period until 1923 when the Allied occupation of Constantinople came to an end. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The Empire at War edited for the Royal Colonial Institute by Sir Charles Lucas, in five volumes, with a catalogue contents description. (Volume 1 British Library Digital file) Volume 5, 1926, covers WW1 The Mediterranean colonies ; Egypt and Palestine ; Aden ; India ; Ceylon ; Malaya ; China. Volume 5, British Library Digital file, Contents. Also available Vol-vth version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- "Weather Controls over the Fighting in Mesopotamia, in Palestine, and near the Suez Canal" by Robert De C. Ward Scientific Monthly April 1918
- The Operations in Egypt and Palestine, 1914 to June, 1917: illustrating the Field Service Regulations by A. Kearsey, Late Lieutenant-Colonel, General Staff. Published Aldershot 1929. State Library of Victoria. (May be slow to open)
- A Summary of the Strategy and Tactics of the Egypt and Palestine Campaign with Details of the 1917-18 Operations Illustrating the Principles of War by Lieut. Col. A. Kearsey, 2nd edition revised 1932 is available in a reprint edition, [6] which in turn is available as an online book on the Ancestry owned pay website under Egypt And Palestine Campaign located in Military Books-located by the Search/Egypt. Originally published 1928 as The Events, Strategy and Tactics of the Palestine Campaign.
- The Palestine Campaigns by Colonel A P Wavell 1928. 3rd edition, 8th impression 1941 Both, mirror from Digital Library of India. A book in the series Campaigns and their Lessons.
- Allenby of Armageddon. A Record of the Career and Campaigns of Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby by Raymond Savage 1926, first published 1925.
- Allenby, a Study in Greatness; the Biography of Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and Felixstowe, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. by General Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East. 1940
- Allenby In Egypt, being Volume II of Allenby: a Study in Greatness, first published 1943. The years from 1920. Version 1; Version 2-page 8 noted to be incorrect, but photographs may be marginally better., both mirrors from Digital Library of India.
- Allenby of Arabia, Lawrence's General by Brian Gardner 1966. First published in London in 1965 under the title Allenby. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- A brief record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the command of General Sir Edmund H. H. Allenby ... July 1917 to October 1918 Compiled from Official Sources [by Lieut.-Colonel H Pirie-Gordon]. Second Edition 1919 Contents Includes “Brief Records of the various branches of the Army” Royal Engineers, Royal Army Service Corps, Ordnance, Medical, Veterinary, Egyption Labour Force etc. With many Maps in a separate section following page 113. Also available HathiTrust Digital Library including the Map section where the pages are rotatable if required.
- The Desert Campaigns by by W T Massey, Official Correspondent of the London Newspapers with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, with drawings by James McBey. 1918
- How Jerusalem was Won : being the Record of Allenby's Campaign in Palestine by W T Massey, 1920
- Allenby's Final Triumph by W T Massey 1920
- British Campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914-1918. From the outbreak of war with Turkey to the Armistice: Volume II The Tide of Victory by Edmund Dane , Military Correspondent of the Westminster Gazette 1919 (Volume I)
- The National Army Museum book of the Turkish Front 1914-1918 : the Campaigns at Gallipoli, in Mesopotamia and in Palestine by Field Marshal Lord Carver 2004, first published 2003. The Palestine campaign commences Chapter 9, page 186. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Hell in the Holy Land : World War I in the Middle East by David R Woodward 2006 Books to Borrow
- Eden to Armageddon : World War I in the Middle East by Roger Ford 2010. Includes Part IV "Egypt, Palestine and Syria page 297. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The Fall of The Ottomans: The Great War In The Middle East by Eugene Rogan 2015. Contents.
- Through Egypt in War-time by Martin Shaw Briggs 1918 The author was an architect who became an officer in a Sanitary Section, Royal Army Medical Corps, involved in duties such as inspecting camps, disinfection and watertesting. Information on many topics, including Army Camps and railways.Index
- With the R.A.M.C. in Egypt by Serjeant-Major, R.A.M.C 1918
- The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt; an illustrated and detailed account of the early organisation and work of the Australian medical units in Egypt in 1914-1915 by James W Barrett, Temporary Lieut-Col RAMC and Lieut P E Deane AAMC, Quartermaster, First Australian General Hospital, Egypt 1918 version with photographs which may be enlarged.
- A vision of the possible; what the R.A.M.C. might become; an account of some of the medical work in Egypt together with a constructive criticism of the R.A.M.C by James W Barrett, Temporary Lieut-Col RAMC 1919
- The War Work of the Y.M.C.A. in Egypt by James W. Barrett, Temporary Lieut-Col RAMC 1919 Hathi Trust Digital Library
- A Consulting Surgeon in the Near East by A H Tubby RAMC (T). 1920. Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine.
- The Diary of a Yeomanry M.O. : Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine and Italy by Captain O Teichman RAMC (T F) 1921
- War experiences of a Territorial Medical Officer (ADMS, 2nd Mounted Division, Egypt, 1915-1919) by Major General Sir Richard Luce, RAMC(T), extracted from the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1936-1937, "with photographs stuck in". Also includes an index at rear. Wellcome Library online. If you wish to read online, it is suggested you select “Full screen”, as otherwise it is difficult to read. Articles appeared from April 1936, 66 (4) to December 1937 69 (6).
- The online JRAMC extracts are easier to read, but missing three parts. Gallipoli Chapters 5-9, the remaining chapters are in respect of Egypt and Palestine. Chapters 1-3, missing May 1936, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12, 13, 14-15, 16, 17, 18-19, 20, missing April 1937, 22, 23, 24, 25-26, 27, 28, 29, missing Dec 1937.
- Part 12 includes details of the types of camel cacolets [litters] used to transport the wounded.
- Papers of Colonel Thomas Boswell Beach, RAMC (Wellcome Library catalogue ref RAMC/248):Diary re service in Egypt as ADMS Alexandria District 1917-1918 RAMC/248/2/2/1; 1918 RAMC/248/2/2/2. Wellcome Library online. See comments in the item above about using the Wellcome Library online reader.
- "An Anti-Malaria Campaign in Palestine. An Account of the Preventive Measures undertaken in the 21st Corps area in 1918" by Colonel E P Sewell and Brevet Major A S M Macgregor Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Volume 34 1920 Part 1, pages 85-100, Part 2, pages 204-218 Photographs Photographs digital page 208. Alternative file for Part 1 with Map and better photographs, Part 2
Corps histories and accounts
- A History of the Transport Services of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force 1916-1917-1918 by G E Badcock 1925
- The Royal Army Service Corps: A History of Transport and Supply in the British Army, Volume II by Colonel R H Beadon 1931. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Includes the First World War period, including Egypt and Palestine.
- "My Niggers" by Lieut. J. Railton Holden, page 286 February 1919, The Wide World: the magazine for everybody, Volume 42. Poor quality digital file. Men from the Egyptian Labour Corps.
- A History of the Army Ordnance Services, Volume III: The Great War by Major General Arthur Forbes 2nd edition 1932, first published 1929. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Includes chapters on the Base in the Levant and Mediterranean [Egypt]; Palestine.
- History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, Volume VI: Gallipoli, Macedonia, Egypt and Palestine 1914-18, edited by H.L. Pritchard, published 1952. Note: Volume VI does not include information about Signals as "The history of their work is being produced by the Royal Corps of Signals themselves"[7].
- The Work of the Royal Engineers in the European War 1914-1919. Work in the field in other theatres of war. Egypt and Palestine--Water Supply Published by the Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham. 1921. HathiTrust Digital Library. mirror version.
- 65 R. E.. A Short Record of the Service of the 65th Field Company Royal Engineers by Alan Colquhoun Duff 1920. The Company served at Gallipoli, in Macedonia and in Palestine.
- Report on the work of the Seventh Field Survey Company R.E. Egypt, Sinai, Palestine & Syria. December 1916 to October 1918. Historical Papers: Defence Surveyors' Association Scroll down. Direct pdf. Elsewhere, source of this document is given as Directorate Military Survey, Feltham, UK, and the report date is from December 1915. 2nd reference is unpublished report by W J Maule, Commanding Officer, to GSGS Map Research and Library Group, DMS Tolworth 1919.
- "Inland Waterways and Docks, Royal Engineers in War Time, with special reference to the mystery port of Richborough (Lecture & Discussion)" by Captain A E Battle, RE Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers 1923-1924, pages 104-116. Includes Inland Water Transport in Mesopotamia, and brief mention of other theatres of war Egypt, Salonika, East Africa, Italy and Northern Russia. Melbourne University Digital Collection.
- Records of the Survey of India, Volume 20. The War Record 1914-1920 1925. If the download button does not display, locate in Books/Survey Of India, or Direct link PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. Google Books version (now full view). version. Work of Royal Engineers and other staff of the Survey of India mapping in various theatres of war, in Mesopotamia, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Arabia, Persia, Palestine, East Africa and Afghanistan.
- Britain's Sea Soldiers. A Record of the Royal Marines during the War 1914-1919. Compiled by General Sir H. E. Blumberg, Royal Marines 1927. HathiTrust Digital Library. mirror version. Contains a chapter "Royal Marine Artillery Battery in Egypt 1915-1916", page 414.
- The Post Office of India in the Great War edited by H.A. Sams 1922 Egypt and Palestine page 77. The following chapter "The Dardanelles, Salonika and Constantinople 1915-1919" also has some references to Egypt.
- "The Palestine Detachment" Chapter V, page 71 The Tank in Action by Captain D G Browne 1920
- "Under Eastern Eyes", page 172, Chapter V, The Secret Corps : a Tale of "Intelligence" on all Fronts by Captain Ferdinand Tuohy 1920
- British Intelligence in Palestine from page 199 and "Chapter XXIII: Allenby in Palestine and Syria in 1918", page 303, Secret Service by Major-General Sir George Aston, formerly of the Naval Intelligence Department and the Secretariat of the War Cabinet 1930
- Hard Lying version , mirror from Digital Library of India. Full title “Hard Lying”: Eastern Mediterranean, 1914-1919 by Captain L B Weldon 1925. The author was a British Army Intelligence Officer , initially OC of a British Ship (HMS Anne previously Aenne Rickmers) carrying a French, later British seaplane squadron used for reconnaissance flights, and subsequently HMY Managem 1917-1919, involved with the supply of agents, money, weapons, etc to the Syrian coast.
- "Part IV The "Ben-My-Chree" (May 1916-January 1917)" pages 289-351 Fights and Flights by Charles Rumney Samson 1930. RNAS. HMS Ben-My-Chree was a seaplane carrier, and Samson was also had in his command HMS Anne, see entry for Hard Lying immediately above. Wedgewood Benn, see next entry, was chief observer for Samson.
- In the Side Shows by Captain Wedgewood Benn 1919 Some editions have the title In the Side Shows: Observations by a Flier on Five Fronts. The author was a Member of Parliament and joined the Middlesex Yeomanry, with whom he served at Gallipoli. He subsequently became military observer attached to the Royal Naval Air Service, East Indies and Egypt Seaplane Squadron.
- Above And Beyond Palestine, An Account of the Work of the East Indies and Egypt Seaplane Squadron 1916-1918 by C E Hughes 1930
- Secret Despatches From Arabia by T E Lawrence Published by permission of the Foreign Office. Originally issued at Cairo 1916-1918.
- Revolt In The Desert by T E Lawrence 1927. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Other files are available
- The Evolution of a Revolt by T. E. Lawrence (Late Lieut.-Colonel General Staff, E.E.F.) first published 1939, CSI reprint. Link to a pdf download (scroll down) [US] Army University Press.
- With Lawrence in Arabia by Lowell Thomas, with photographs by H A Chase and the author. 1924
- T. E. Lawrence: In Arabia and After by Liddell Hart 1934
- For other online books relating to to T E Lawrence, including his letters, see the page T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia).
- Shifting Sands by Major N N E Bray (Norman Napier Evelyn) 1934 Includes a chapter about Lawrence. Bray was originally with the 18th Bengal Lancers.[8] Initially during WW1 Bray was working under Sir Mark Sykes, and for the Arab Bureau. C October 1917 he returned to France and his regiment. Subsequently he became the Hakim (Governor) of Kerbela, as a part of the British Administration of A. T Wilson in Mesopotamia.
- Chapter IV, "War Time Memories" page 88 from his book As I Seem to Remember by Leonard Woolley 1962. He was an archaeologist, in Intelligence during the war, based at Port Said.
- "Michel the Spy" by Leonard Woolley page 3 The Wide World Magazine. An Illustrated Monthly of True Narrative - Adventure, Travel, Customs and Sport. Volume 50 1922-1923
- Leonard Woolley Wikipedia. He became a Prisoner of War in Turkey, see his further book on the page Prisoners of the Turks (First World War).
- The Arab Bureau : British policy in the Middle East, 1916-1920 by Bruce Westrate 1992. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Leaves from an Officer's Notebook by Eliot Crawshay-Williams 1918 Includes Egypt, Sinai from February 1916 to August 1916. The author was in a Battery of the Royal Horse Artillery (Territorial Force).
- With Our Army in Palestine by Antony Bluett, late of “A” Battery, H A C and Egyptian Camel Transport Corps 1919
- Alexandria page 86, The Grey Wave by Major A. Hamilton Gibbs 1920. American title: Gun Fodder; the diary of four years of war 1919. Both He was an officer, Royal Field Artillery, 67 Artillery Brigade,[9] which was in Alexandria for five and a half months in 1915, prior to being sent to Salonika. A. Hamilton Gibbs (Wikipedia), novelist.
- With the Guns West and East by "Arnewood" (Edward Douglas Montague Hunter Cooke, RFA). Illustrated by Lt.-Col E A Hobday (and two sketches by L Raven Hill) 1923 Page 68 says "It fell to my lot to be the first British soldier in Jerusalem".
- This 1923 book was incorporated into his later book, see "Palestine" page 221 Clouds That Flee by Colonel Montague Cooke 1935. The author was in Palestine from August 1917 as a Battery Commander. He was a career soldier born 1877.
- Romford to Beirut via France, Egypt and Jericho. An Outline of the War Record of "B" Battery, 271st Brigade, R.F.A. (1/2nd Essex Battery, R.F.A.) with Many Digressions by Edwin Blackwell and Edwin C Axe 1926
- The Honourable Artillery Company in the Great War 1914-1919 edited by Major G. Goold Walker 1930 is available in a reprint edition[10] which in turn is available as an online book on the the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Britain. A Territorial regiment which includes A and B Artillery Batteries which sailed for Egypt in April 1915 and served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in the desert and in Palestine.
- Amateur Gunners : the Great War adventures, letters and observations of Alexander Douglas Thorburn edited by Ian Ronayne 2014. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Revised, expanded edition of
- Amateur Gunners. The Adventures of an Amateur Soldier in France, Salonica and Palestine in the Royal Field Artillery published 1933. Additional title Recording some of the exploits of the 2/22nd County of London Howitzer Battery RFA on active service.
- Service on the Western Front, at Salonika and in Palestine.
Regimental histories and accounts
Indian Army
- A Record of the 58th Rifles F. F. in the Great War 1914-1919 by Colonel A G Lind DSO 1933. (Wikimedia Commons - Direct pdf link, pdf. The latter links may be slow to open). 58th Rifles Frontier Force was an Indian Army regiment which saw action in Egypt and Sinai in 1916, Palestine 1917-1918, and Egypt 1919. Also see 58th Vaughan's Rifles (Frontier Force).
- History of the 15th Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade during the Great War 1914-1918 London: HMSO, 1920. Includes maps. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Digitised Manuscripts from the India Office Records, British Library version IOR/L/MIL/17/6/78.
- The Brigade appears to have spent the War in Egypt and Palestine. The constituent regiments include the Kathiawar Signal Troop, Hyderabad Lancers, Mysore Lancers including two troops Bhavnagar Lancers and one troop Kashmir Lancers, Patiala Lancers and Jodhpur Lancers
- For Survey of India, and Post Office of India, see items under "Corps histories and accounts", above.
- For further IA regimental histories, see 2nd Lancers (Gardner’s Horse); Hodson's Horse; 58th Vaughan's Rifles (Frontier Force); 59th Scinde Rifles; 93rd Burma Infantry; 105th Mahratta Light Infantry; 123rd Outram's Rifles; 2nd King Edward's Own Goorkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles); 6th Gurkha Rifles; The Guides (Infantry); 2nd Bombay Pioneers; Bengal, Madras, Bombay Sappers and Miners.
- For further IA regimental histories available on fold3 (Ancestry owned pay website), see 38th Central India Horse; 9th Bhopal Infantry; 20th (Cambridge's Own) Infantry, Brownlow's Punjabis; 67th Punjabis; 5th Gurkha Rifles.
British Army Cavalry
- A History of the British Cavalry, 1816-1919 Volume 5 1914-1919 Egypt, Palestine and Syria by The Marquess of Anglesey 1994 Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The Desert Mounted Corps : An Account of the Cavalry Operations in Palestine and Syria, 1917-1918 by Lieut –Colonel RMP Preston 1921
- The Indian Army Cavalry regiments are listed from page 333
- The History of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Yeomanry 1898-1922. The Great Cavalry Campaign in Palestine by Frank Fox 1923.
- Letters and Papers of Algernon Hyde Villiers with a memoir by Harry Graham 1919. Includes "Letters written from Egypt", page 13. He enlisted in 1914 & went to Egypt as a trooper in the Hertfordshire Yeomanry before returning for a commission in the Lothian & Borders Horse early in 1915.[11] Also includes Western Front.
- Through Palestine with the 20th Machine Gun Squadron [Cavalry] by A. O. W. Kindall 1920 There is also a file of Images only, including a map. Project Gutenberg at The story of the 20th Machine Gun Squadron, formed in July 1917 from sections of the Notts (Sherwood Rangers) Yeomanry and the South Notts Hussars.
- Fife and Forfar Yeomanry and 14th (F.& F. Yeo) Battn. R.H. 1914-1919 [R. H. = Royal Highlanders] by Major D D Ogilvie 1921. Also available as a transcript. The Regiment fought at Gallipoli and in France, in addition to Egypt and Palestine.
- The History and War Records of the Surrey Yeomanry (Queen Mary's Regt.) 1797-1928 by E. D. Harrison-Ainsworth 1928. Includes service in Egypt.
- The Fighting Cameliers. The exploits of the Imperial Camel Corps in the Desert and Palestine Campaign of the Great War by Frank Reid 2005 reprint with an amended title, first published 1934. Texts to Borrow. Original title probably The Fighting Cameliers. An account of the Imperial Camel Corps during the European War.
- Also see New Zealand Army below, for With the Cameliers in Palestine by John Robertson 1938.
- Farewell to the Horses : Diary of a British Tommy 1915-1919 [Cady Cyril Hoyte] edited by Robert Elverstone 2014. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Hoyte joined the Machine Gun Corps of the Warwickshire Yeomanry 28 June 1915, and arrived in Egypt December 1915, remaining in Palestine until mid 1918. Warwickshire Yeomanry ( which became part of Imperial Mounted Division/Australian Mounted Division.
British Army Infantry
- A History of the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) in the Great War 1914-1918 [in three Volumes] Edited by Major General A G Wauchope 1926. Vol. 1 includes 2nd Battalion in Mesopotamia and Palestine. Vol. 3 includes 14th Battalion in Palestine.
- Volume One including Palestine page 271. Digital Archive@McMaster University Library. Vol. One
- Volume Three, page 315 The Fourteenth Battalion in Palestine.
- Fife and Forfar Yeomanry and 14th (F.& F. Yeo) Battn. R.H. 1914-1919 [R. H. = Royal Highlanders] by Major D D Ogilvie 1921
- Temporary Crusaders by Cecil Sommers [Norman Cecil Sommers Down] 1919. Transcribed version from Based on diary entries November 24th, 1917 to June 17th. 1918. A book in the On Active Service Series. Also see Western Front - Infantry for another book by this author. Elsewhere it is stated he was Captain, 14th Black Watch (74th Dismounted Yeomanry Division).
- The 74th (Yeomanry) Division in Syria and France by Major C. H. Dudley Ward 1922 Also available British Library
- With the British Army in the Holy Land by Major H O Lock, Dorsetshire Regiment 1919
- Glimpses of the Great War: Letters of a Subaltern from Three Fronts Edited by his wife. 1919. The letters of George Herbert Whyte [London Irish Rifles or 18th (County of London) Battalion, the London Regiment (London Irish Rifles), part of 60th (2/2nd London) Division]. He joined a volunteer hospital unit in France, in 1914, and became a Second Lieutenant in the London Irish Rifles in 1916. He was in France, Macedonia and Malta, Egypt and Palestine. Page 127 contains a description of the action in which Lieut. Whyte was killed in December 1917, at Khurbet Adaseh, just north of Jerusalem. He was a well known Theosophist. Digital Collection, Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart, with the library website in German. Read online or download, the latter is "Ganzes Werk herunterladen". mirror version
- London men in Palestine, and how they marched to Jerusalem by Rowlands Coldicott 1919 The author was, at least at one time, a Captain in the 21st (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles), with the 2nd/21st serving in Palestine, as did the 2nd/20th and 2nd/22nd. The 2/21st, was disbanded on 3 June 1918 with men drafted to other London battalions, but was reformed in 1920. Part of the 60th Division.
- The Second Twentieth being the History of the 2/20th Bn., London Regiment by Captain W R Elliot [1920] The Battalion served on the Western Front, at Salonika, and in Egypt and Palestine, and was part of the 60th Division.
- The History of the Prince of Wales' Civil Service Rifles by several authors, including some named. 1921. From 1908 titled 15th Battalion London Regiment (Civil Service Rifles), the 2/15th was part of the 179th Brigade, 60th (2nd/2nd London) Division ( at Salonika and Palestine.
- The Romance of the Last Crusade : with Allenby to Jerusalem by Major Vivian Gilbert 1923. Page 67 he arrived in June 1917 in Egypt, and remained in Palestine until 1920. He was in Machine Guns Corps (Infantry), 180th Brigade, 60th (2nd/2nd London) Division
- History of the 60th Division (2/2nd London Division) by Colonel P H Dalbiac 1927 Includes Palestine.
- The Seventh Manchesters, July 1916 to March 1919 by Captain S J Wilson 1920. Includes two chapters on the regiment in Egypt.
- 2/4 Battalion. Hampshire Regiment 1914-1919 Published 1920?. State Library of Victoria. (May be slow to open). The Battalion was in India January 1915-April 1917, where it provided many drafts for Mesopotamia, and was then in Palestine and France.
- The Wanderings of a Temporary Warrior : a territorial officer's narrative of service (and sport) in three continents by Captain Alban F L Bacon (late Hampshire Regiment) [2/4 Battalion] 1922. India, Egypt/Palestine, Western Front.
- War Record of 4th Bn. King's Own Scottish Borderers and Lothians and Border Horse edited by W Sorley Brown 1920. Includes chapters on Egypt and Palestine.
- Palestine Days and Nights; Sketches of the Campaign in the Holy Land by Captain J. G. Lockhart 1920. Also available Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. John Gilbert Lockhart subsequently appears to have been a writer (biographer and sea stories). IWM catalogue states: Associated people and organisations: 4th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment . 1st/4th Battalion appears to be the Battalion which was in Palestine.
- With the 1/5th Essex in the East by Lt.-Col T Gibbons 1921
- With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign by Lieut-Col J H Patterson 1922 For other books by Patterson, see Gallipoli, and for pre-war experiences, East Africa.
- The seven lives of Colonel Patterson : how an Irish lion hunter led the Jewish Legion to victory by Denis Brian 2008. Includes chapters on Palestine and Sinai. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The History of the 1/5th Battalion "The Suffolk Regiment" by Capt. A Fair and Capt. E D Wolton 1923
- The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1914-1927 by Lieut.-Colonel C C R Murphy 1928
- The History of the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) Volume 2 The Great War and the Disbandment of the Regiment by Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Ernest Whitton 1924 Includes Egypt and Palestine.
- A Subaltern in Macedonia and Judaea, 1916-17 by Rev. R Skilbeck Smith 1930 1st Battalion Leinster Regiment.
- The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment 1914 to 1919 by C T Atkinson 1924. Includes Chapter 21 on Palestine, which is also mentioned in Chapter 31. Also available as a transcription.
- The Connaught Rangers Volume 1, 1st Battalion, formerly 88th Foot by Lieut.-Colonel HF N Jourdain and Edward Fraser 1924 During the Great War, the Battalion fought in Palestine, on the Western Front and in Mesopotamia.
- The Connaught Rangers Volume 3, 5th and 6th Service Battalions 1914-1919 by Lieut.-Colonel H F N Jourdain and Edward Fraser 1928 The Battalions served at Gallipoli, Salonika, Palestine and France.
- The History of the First Seven Battalions, the Royal Irish Rifles (now the Royal Ulster Rifles) in the Great War by Cyril Falls 1925. Service on the Western Front, at Salonika and in Palestine.
- The London Scottish in the Great War edited by Lt.-Col. J H Lindsay 1925 Includes the regiment in Egypt and Palestine from page 261.
- History of the Manchester Regiment (Late the 63rd and 96th Foot), Volume 2 1883-1922 by Colonel H C Wylly 1925 Includes Palestine.
- The History of the Norfolk Regiment 1685-1918. Volume 2, 4th August 1914 to 31st December 1918 by F Loraine Petre c 1925 Includes Egypt and Palestine.
- History of the Queen’s Royal Regiment Volume 7 [1905- 1923] by Colonel H C Wylly c 1925 The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey) Regiment. Includes Egypt and Palestine.
- The Devonshire Regiment 1914-1918 by C T Atkinson 1926 The various Battalions fought in Egypt and Palestine, on the Western Front, in Mesopotamia, Salonika, Italy and North Russia, and were in India.
- The Green Howards in the Great War by Colonel H C Wylly (Harold Carmichael) 1926 Includes Palestine.
- The Campaigns and History of the Royal Irish Regiment Volume 2 1900-1922 by Br. General Stannus Geoghegan 1927 Includes Palestine.
- The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in the World War by Sir Frank Fox. [With plates and maps.] 1928. British Library Digital. Includes a chapter titled "The Holy Land".
- History of the 1st & 2nd Battalions, the Leicestershire Regiment in the Great War by Colonel H C Wylly (Harold Carmichael) 1928. Includes Palestine.
- Regimental Records of the Royal Welch Fusiliers (23rd Foot). Volume IV 1915-1918 Turkey-Bulgaria-Austria by Major C H Dudley Ward 1929 The campaign in Palestine was part of the war against Turkey.
- The History of the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry 1914-1919 by Everard Wyrall 1932. (Previously 32nd Reg.) Includes Palestine.
- The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment Volume 2 1914-1919 by Colonel H C Wylly (Harold Carmichael) 1933. Includes Palestine.
- Proud Heritage. The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Volume 3 The Regular, Militia, Volunteer, T.A., and Service Battalions H.L.I. 1882-1918 by Lt.-Col. L B Oatts 1961 A transcription. Searchable but not viewable Google Books. During the First World War, the various Battalions served on the Western Front, at Gallipoli, in Egypt, and in Palestine.
- The Fifty-Second (Lowland) Division 1914-1918 by Lt Col R.R Thompson 1923. Missing most/all of the maps. Also available in a reprint edition which would probably include the maps,[12] which in turn is available as an online book on the the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Britain. The history of a Territorial Army division that fought at Gallipoli, in Egypt, Palestine and from May 1918, on the Western Front.
- History of the 53rd (Welsh) Division (T. F.) by Major C.H Dudley-Ward 1927 The record of a Territorial division which served in Gallipoli, and Egypt and Palestine.
- "Part III Personal Experiences" page 137 The Eighth Crusade. Uncensored Disclosures of a British Staff Officer by Lt. Col. Waters Taylor 1939 This book was published in Germany, with no author’s name provided. The author is elsewhere referred to as Colonel B. H. Waters-Taylor, the chief of staff of Occupied Enemy Territory South (Palestine) 1919-1920.
Australian Army
- By-ways on Service : Notes from an Australian Journal by Hector Dinning 1918
- Nile to Aleppo, with the Light-Horse in the Middle-East by Hector Dinning, Captain, Australian Army. 1920
- Boundary Riders of Egypt by Lieut. H Bowden Fletcher 1919. The Australian Light Horse in Egypt. State Library of Victoria.
- The Cameliers by Oliver Hogue 1919. The Imperial Camel Corps in Egypt, Sinai and Palestine.
- Australia in Palestine H.S. Gullett, Chas. Barrett, editors ; David Barker, art editor 1919. With coloured sketches and many photographs. Also available National Library of Australia version where colour of images differs and pages may be rotated.
- The Desert Trail: With the Light Horse through Sinai to Palestine by Scotty’s Brother. 1919. National Library of Australia. Also available State Library of Victoria. Author is catalogued as Charles Duguid, who was a Captain in the Australian Army Medical Corps. The book is an expanded version, including the re-instatement of some details such as place names, of an earlier c 1917/18 15 page publication From the Suez Canal to Gaza with the Australian Light Horse by Scotty's Brother, from which some details had been censored. National Library of Australia. The book was written in honour of 'Scotty', his brother William George Duguid. He was an original member of the 8th Light Horse Regiment, and served in Gallipoli, but had transferred to the 3rd Light Horse when he was killed in action on 19 April 1917, near Aseifiyeh.[13]
- version, both titles.
- History of the Fifth Light Horse Regiment (Australian Imperial Force) from 1914 to October, 1917 ... and from October, 1917 to June, 1919 by Brigadier-General L.C. Wilson and Captain H. Wetherell 1926 (published Sydney). Transcribed version version, also transcribed. A description says: The first part covers formation in 1914, the move to Egypt, and dismounted service at Gallipoli. The second part covers the return to the mounted role and service with the mounted Division in Sinai and Palestine.
- The Desert Column. Leaves from the Diary of an Australian Trooper in Gallipoli, Sinai and Palestine by Ion L Idriess 1932. A transcribed version. Idriess was a member of the 5th Light Horse.
- Under Furred Hats. 6th A.L.H. Regt. by Lieut George Berrie 1919
- The History of the 7th Light Horse Regiment A.I.F. by Lieut.-Colonel J.D. Richardson 1923
- With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War by Major T H Darley 1924
- Narrative of Operations of Third Light Horse Brigade, A.I.F. from 27th October 1917 to 4th March 1919 by Brigadier-General L.C. Wilson 1919. Printed in Cairo Egypt. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade consisted of the 8th, 9th, and 10th Light Horse Regiments.
- The Diary of an Australian Soldier (Captain K.J. Barrett) 1921. National Library of Australia. In Egypt, the author attended an officers' training school of instruction at Zeitoun and was commissioned into the 2nd Royal Fusiliers, which was posted to Gallipoli. Subsequently he died on the Western Front 1917.
- The 28th, a Record of War Service with the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-1919. Volume I. Egypt, Gallipoli, Lemnos Island, Sinai Peninsula by Colonel H.B. Collett, First C O of the [Infantry] Battalion. 1922. HathiTrust Digital Library. version, version.
- There and Back: The Story of an Australian Soldier 1915-35 by A. Tiveychoc (Rowland Edward Lording) 1935 He was a soldier of the 30th Battalion which spent six months in Egypt, before receiving orders to proceed to France, where the author was severely wounded.
- Happy Dispatches, Chapters 15-17 by A. B. (“Banjo”) Paterson 1935 Paterson was a Remount Officer, in charge of a Remount Depot in Egypt. These chapters are about “Hell-Fire Jack” [Brigadier-General John Robinson Royston] and Lord Allenby.
- What to know in Egypt : a guide for Australasian soldiers by C.E.W. Bean 1915. National Library of Australia.
- Digger Dialects : a Collection of Slang Phrases used by the Australian Soldiers on Active Service by W.H. Downing, late 57th Battalion, AIF. [1919]. State Library of Victoria. Some of the words were probably also used by British and other soldiers.
New Zealand Army
- On the Anzac Trail : being Extracts from the Diary of a New Zealand Sapper by 'Anzac' 1916 The author joined a NZ unit in London. Includes some chapters covering the stay in Egypt prior to Gallipoli. Book No. 7 in the series Soldiers’ Tales of the Great War.
- With the Anzacs in Cairo; the Tale of a Great Fight by Guy Thornton, Chaplain-Captain to the New Zealand Expeditionary Force (Main Body) c 1917. The fight against prostitution. HathTrust Digital Library.
- With the Anzacs in Cairo by Guy Thornton. Librivox audio.
- The Mounted Riflemen in Sinai and Palestine: The Story of New Zealand's Crusaders by A. Briscoe Moore late Lieut. Auckland Mounted Rifles. Alternative file format. Illustrated by photographs taken with the N.Z.M.R.Brigade in the field. c 1920 Both formats from New Zealand Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University of Wellington Library.
- The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine by Lieut.-Colonel. C. Guy Powles, Brigade Major N.Z.M.R. Brigade 1914-1916 , A.A. & Q M.G Anzac Mounted Division 1916-1918. From material compiled by Major A. Wilkie, W.M.R. 1922. See Official histories, despatches, background etc above.
- Official History of the New Zealand Engineers During the Great War 1914-1919, published 1927. Version 1, Version 2. Contents. Includes Egypt, Sinai and Palestine. Both formats from Victoria University of Wellington Library, New Zealand in the First World War 1914-1918 Collection.
- With the Machine Gunners in France and Palestine. The Official History of the New Zealand Machine [Gun] Corps in the Great World War 1914-1918 by Major J. H. Luxford N.Z.M.G.C. 1923.
- With the Cameliers in Palestine by John Robertson, formerly of the Fourth Battalion of the Imperial Camel Brigade, T. Major New Zealand Mounted Rifles. 1938. New Zealand Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University of Wellington Library. Page 26 says the Imperial Camel Corps consisted of troops from The Australian Light Horse, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles, British Yeomanry regiments and other British troops. There was a Machine Gun Squadron, and a mountain battery of the Hong Kong and Singapore R.G.A.
- The Kia Ora Coo-Ee : The Magazine For The Anzacs In The Middle East, 1918 10 Monthly editions, from March-December 1918. Written and edited by Australian and New Zealand troops. New Zealand Electronic Text Collection, Victoria University of Wellington Library. For the contents, click on the title text below the cover image.Volume 1, March 1918 is available online for registered readers from the British Library. All may be slow to open.
South African accounts
- Khaki Crusaders. With the South African Artillery in Egypt and Palestine by F H Cooper 1919
- The Story of the 1st Battalion Cape Corps, 1915-1919 by Captain Ivor D Difford [1920] Includes service in East Africa, and Egypt and Palestine.
Turkish Army
- With the Turks in Palestine by Alexander Aaronsohn 1916. Also an Librivox audio recording
- From Dardanelles to Palestine by Captain Sarkis Torossian. Boston,USA. 1947 Article: 'How the Armenian Genocide Forced a Loyal Ottoman Officer to Espouse the Arab Revolt" by Joseph A. Kéchichian, Contemporary Review of the Middle East, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2014. Captain Torossian was of Armenian descent & fought at Gallipoli as an Artillery observer in the Turkish Army. After the Armenian genocide he switched sides & commanded 6.000 Arabian horsemen with the Allied army to Damascus. Article "A short history of the Torossian debate" by Taner Akçam Journal of Genocide Research, 2015 Vol. 17, No. 3, 345– Some do not believe the account to be true. Other articles about Torossian's book may be found on Ayhan Aktar
- Five Years in Turkey by Otto Liman von Sanders, translated, from the 1920 German edition Funf Jahre Turkei, by Col Carl Reichman, US Army (Retired) published 1927 by the United States Naval Institute. Contents. With two maps at the back of the book. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt. Also available version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Over a third of this book is devoted to the author's experiences in Palestine.
- Fünf Jahre Türkei Original 1920 German edition.
- "General Liman Von Sanders on his experiences in Palestine" by C T Atkinson page 257 The Army Quarterly Volume 3, 1921 October- 1922 January.
In the Air
- War in the Air: being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force, Volumes II-VI by H A Jones. Volume V 1935, Volume VI 1937. Part of the series History of the Great War based on official documents. Include Egypt and Palestine.
- The Australian Flying Corps in the Western and Eastern Theatres of War, 1914-1918 by F M Cutlack 1933 (first published 1923). The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918: Volume VIII
- "Airmen in the Deserts of Egypt. Adventures of the Royal Flying Corps in Sinai" told by F W Martindale. Page 304 True Stories of the Great War. Tales of Adventure-Heroic Deeds-Exploits…Volume V. 1917 Originally appeared in Wide World Magazine.
- In Egypt, as a Royal Flying Corps pilot page 303, The Way of a Transgressor by Negley Farson 1936 Lending Library. 2nd file An American, he had previously spent most of the war period in Russia as a businessman, and was in Petrograd [Saint Petersburg] when the Bolshevik Revolution broke out. Negley Farson Wikipedia. He went on to become one of the most renowned foreign correspondents of his day.
- History of No.30 Squadron RAF. Egypt and Mesopotamia 1914 to 1919 [catalogued] by Major J.Everidge, R.A.F. is available as a reprint[14] of an original Air Ministry Historical Branch typed document, probably first published as a reprint c 2004, which in turn is available as an online book on the Ancestry owned pay website located in Military Books-located by the Search/Egypt.
- See Intelligence, above for an account of the work of the East Indies and Egypt Seaplane Squadron.
Prisoners of War
- Prisoners of the red desert, being a full and true history of the men of the "Tara" by Captain Rupert Stanley Gwatkin-Williams RN 1919 HMS Tara was sunk by a German submarine near Sollum, Egypt in 1915. The surviving crew were handed over to the Senussi, allies of the Turks and were held prisoners at Bir Hakkim (Bir el Hakim) in Libya until rescued in 1916 in dramatic circumstances by British Armoured Cars under the command of the Duke of Westminster.
- "The Tale of the Tara" page 253 True Stories of the Great War, Volume II. Editor in Chief Francis Trevelyan Miller 1917.
- Eastern Nights-and Flights; a Record of Oriental Adventure by Alan Bott 1920 The author was a scout pilot in Palestine, who became, after his plane crashed in 1918, a prisoner of the Turks, eventually in Afion-Kara-Hissar in Turkey. Alan Bott Wikipedia.
- Turkish Days and Ways by James Brown MD 1940. The author was a Scot who had lived in Australia most of his life who qualified as a doctor in Edinburgh during WW1 and became a Lieutenant RAMC. He was in a Field Ambulance, serving with a Brigade of Yeomanry at the time of capture at Katia near Romani, twenty three miles from the Suez Canal, c April 1916. He was a POW at Afyon Karahisar. Catalogue details, digital file version.
- The Escaping Club: "Part II" [page 241] by A. J. Evans 1922 Hathi Trust Digital Library. The author, a POW had escaped from Germany in June 1917. In March 1918, while on a bombing raid in Palestine his plane came down. He was captured by Arabs, along with two others, and subsequently became prisoners of the Turks. Also available version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- In Brigands' Hands and Turkish Prisons, 1914-1918 by A Forder 1920 The author was an American missionary who was taken prisoner in Jerusalem in November 1914 and jailed by the military He was a prisoner in Damascus for four years until the British occupation.
- Turkish prisoners in Egypt: a report by the delegates of the International Committee of the Red Cross extracted and translated from the official reports of the Red Cross Society 1917
General including postwar
- Light and Shade in War by Captain Malcolm Ross, Official War Correspondent with the New Zealand Forces and Noel Ross of The Times (lately Lance-Corporal with the Anzacs and Lieutenant Territorial Artillery 1916. Includes chapters about Egypt.
- Egypt and the Army by Lieut.-Col. P G Elgood 1924 The Egyptian Army.
- "War and Protectorate" Chapter IX, page 201 Great Britain in Egypt by Major E W Polson Newman 1928
- "Chapter 13, Cairo" page 159 Egyptian Service 1902-1946 by Sir Thomas Russell Pasha 1949 In 1913 he was appointed Assistant Commandant of the Cairo Police, and in March 1918 became Commandant.
- "The Defence of Suez" Chapter 7 Page 110 The British Army and the Crisis of Empire, 1918-22 by Keith Jeffery 1984. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Digitised Manuscripts from the India Office Records, British Library. (Also see
- IOR/L/PS/11/129 P 4640/1917 The Turkish campaigns in Mesopotamia, Palestine and Hedjaz 1917.
- IOR/L/PS/20/C195 Syria and Palestine. Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office - no 93 [London: Foreign Office], 1919] General information including
- The Truth About Mesopotamia Palestine and Syria by John de Vere Loder 1923. version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- A soldier's handbook. Palestine and Jerusalem, salient points in the geography, history and present day life of the Holy Land by Rev H Sykes, Secretary of the Palestine Mission of the Church Missionary Society c 1917 2nd version with marginally more informative map at rear.
- Out of Step: Events in the Two Lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel-Doctor by Arnold Spencer Leese. Born 1878, he was a veterinary surgeon who had researched camel diseases. During WW1 he worked for a time purchasing camels for the Army. In the late 1920s Leese became a British Fascist anti Jewish politician. His camel books are
- "Tips" on Camels for Veterinary Surgeons on Active Service by A.S. Leese 1918.
- A Treatise on the One-Humped Camel in Health and in Disease by A S Leese 1927. Contents There were also two supplements. This book together with the Second Supplement 1943 is available at the British Library.
- Camel Corps Training. Provisional. 1913 London, HMSO 1913. British Library Digital Collection. With illustrations, which may be rotated if required. mirror version.
- The Memoirs Of Sir Ronald Storrs 1937 The author worked in Egypt in from 1904, initially in the Egyptian Civil Service, subsequently as Oriental Secretary (British Foreign Office)
- Palestine from December 1917 page 287. The author was in Palestine in December 1917, and subsequently was appointed Military Governor of Jerusalem
- Serbia To Kut by Joseph T Parfit 1917. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Full title: Serbia to Kut: an account of the War in the Bible Lands [Balkans, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia]. An overview of the conflict. The author, then or subsequently, was Canon of St George’s Jerusalem.
- The dawn of a new era in Syria by Margaret Mcgilvary, Secretary Beirut Chapter, Red Cross 1920
- Mit Jildirim ins Heilige Land : Erinnerungen und Glossen zum Palästina-Feldzug 1917-1918 by Josef Drexler 1919. German language. With Map 1 and Map 2. Google Translate title: With Jildirim to the Holy Land: Memories and glosses on the Palestine campaign 1917-1918 Heeresgruppe Yıldırım was an Army Group of the Ottoman Army.
- Schlachten des Weltkrieges Band 4. Jildirim by Dr Steuber 1925. German language. The Digital State Library of Upper Austria. With photographs throughout, and three maps at the back of the book.
- Hundert deutsche Fliegerbilder aus Palästina by Gustaf Dalman 1925. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. German language. "Hundred aerial photographs from Palestine". Some of the text is “on its side” so may be difficult to view on a fixed screen.
- British Administration Palestine Government Gazettes from 1919 Yale University Digital Collection.
- Palestine. Disturbances in May, 1921. Reports of the Commission of Inquiry with correspondence relating thereto Presented to Parliament October 1921. HMSO 1921
- The Handbook of Palestine edited by Harry Charles Luke and Edward Keith-Roach. Issued under the Authority of the [British] Government of Palestine 1922
- Bitter Harvest: A Modern History of Palestine by Sami Hadawi. Revised and updated edition published 1990. Originally published 1967, first revised edition published 1979. Catalogued as Bitter Harvest : Palestine 1914-1988. Contains chapters on the British period. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- ↑ Railway Gazette – Special Great War Transportation Number Naval & Military Press.
- ↑ PassTHE knowledge by Akhi Soufyan
- ↑ Greenwoodman. Official Inquiry into Conduct of WW1 Great War Forum 19 June 2006. Retrieved 20 June 2020.
- ↑ Report of the Committee on the Lessons of the Great War Naval & Military Press reprint edition.
- ↑ Palestine: The Ottoman Campaigns of 1914–1918 by Edward J. Erickson 2016. Sample pages only. Google Books.
- ↑ Strategy and Tactics of the Egypt and Palestine Campaign by Kearsey. Naval & Military Press.
- ↑ michaeldr. Royal Engineers soldier abandoned in Gallipoli Great War Forum 29 June 2017. Retrieved 12 December 2018.
- ↑ Page 23 Behind the Lawrence Legend: The Forgotten Few Who Shaped the Arab Revolt by Philip Walker 2018 Google Books.
- ↑ "We Will Remember Them All" William Regan (68) Field Artillery Brigade. November 05, 2018.
- ↑ The Honourable Artillery Company in the Great War 1914-1919 Naval & Military Press reprint.
- ↑ Turner Donovan December 2019, Item 110.
- ↑ Fifty-Second (Lowland) Division 1914-1918 Naval & Military Press reprint.
- ↑ The Desert Trail. With the Light Horse through Sinai to Palestine
- ↑ History of No.30 Squadron RAF. Egypt and Mesopotamia 1914 to 1919 Naval & Military Press.