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A gazetteer is a geographical dictionary or directory.
Place Names in India
Marcus F C Martin, a geographer devised a simple way to understand the old English spellings for Indian places. “For example, FATEHPUR (‘City of Victory’) is a fairly common placename and by the mid-19th century it could be spelled in at least seven ways: FUTTIHPOOR, FUTIHPORE, FUTTAPORE, FUTTEHPOOR, FUTTIPOUR, FUTTYPOOR, FUTTYPORE etc. Marcus saw that the consonants were fairly accurate and could be reduced to a short code: here ‘FTP’ or, if you prefer 4 characters, ‘FTPR’. Then
- a.. treat soft ‘c’, ‘ch’ and ‘chh’ as being the same;
- b.. treat hard ‘c’, ‘k’ and ‘q’ also as the same; and
- c.. treat double consonants as single (‘ck’ as ‘k’, ‘tt’ as ‘t’ etc);
- d.. Ignore vowels, except at the beginning of a name, when they should be replaced by a wildcard, such as a dash (-).
Marcus was apparently delighted to find, using this principle, that OOMRAWUTTEE was modern AMRAOTI (both names will code to ‘-MRT’). He published a pamphlet which is long since out of print, with coded tables for the 3,900 Post Offices that existed in India in 1877, when they were renamed in standardised form and continued until independence.
The principle is quite easy to remember and helps enormously when looking up place names in atlases and gazetteers."[1]
Please note that, for the links given below, the Digital Library of India is not currently operating.
Imperial Gazetteer of India
The Imperial Gazetteer of India was created by Sir William Wilson Hunter in 1881.
The third edition, published between 1909 and 1931, is available online, at the Digital South Asia Library, consisting of 24 volumes of text, and 1 volume of maps. It was first published, due to the efforts of Sir William Wilson Hunter, in 9 volumes in 1881 with a second edition of 14 volumes in 1885–1887.
Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series
In 1908/1909 the Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series was published in twenty five volumes, all of which are available online, either as, or the later released versions, mirrors from the Digital Library of India.
Afghanistan and Nepal; Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Baluchistan; Baroda; Bengal Vol. I -
Bengal Vol. II; Berar; Bombay Presidency Vol.I - Bombay Presidency Vol. II; Burma Vol. I - Burma Vol. II; Central India; Central Provinces; Eastern Bengal And Assam; Hyderabad State; Kashmir and Jammu; Madras Vol. I - Madras Vol. II; Mysore and Coorg; North-West Frontier Province; Punjab Vol. I - Punjab Vol. II; Rajputana; United Provinces of Agra and Oudh Vol. I - United Provinces of Agra and Oudh Vol. II
In addition, Afghanistan and Nepal Imperial Gazetteer of India is available to download as a pdf from Pahar-Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset.
Restricted access: Viewers in North America and some other countries may be able to access the Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series on Google Books or the Hathi Trust Digital Library
Other gazetteers
- General Index of Places including List of Synonimes following page 578, Oriental Repertory, Volume 1 by Alexander Dalrymple 1793
- The East Indian Gazetteer by Walter Hamilton,
- A-Z 1st edition (1815)
- Volume 1 A-H,Volume 2, I-Z 2nd edition (1828) Google Books
- A Geographical, Statistical, and Historical description of Hindostan, and the Adjacent Countries by Walter Hamilton 1820 Volume 1, Volume 2 Google Books
- The Road Book of India; or, East Indian traveller's guide through the presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay by John B Seely, Captain Bombay Army. 1825 Google Books. Although not a Gazetteer, contains many place names.
- Introduction to the Geography and History of India, and of the Countries Adjacent by Alfred Radford Symonds. Printed for Bishop Corrie's Grammar School, American Miission Press, Madras 1845 Google Books. Includes older style spelling of place names, including some in adjacent countries.
- A Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East-India Company, and of the Native States on the Continent of India A-PUTTA by Edward Thornton (1857) OOJ-Z (1854) Google Books
- "Index of Towns with latitude and longitude" page 498 A Manual of the Geology of India, 2nd edition revised and largely rewritten by R D Oldham 1893
- Index of place names for Constable's 1893 Area Maps from Ian Poyntz’s Historical Maps of India
- Constable's Hand-Gazetteer Of India 1898 Based on the Index to Constable's Hand-Atlas of India (1893, but with additional entries from Provincial Gazetteers, Census Reports (1891) and Postal Directories.
- The Travellers Companion, containing a brief description of places of pilgrimage and important towns of India by Abdur Rasheed. Compiled under the orders of the Railway Board. 1907
- Assam District Gazetteers. Published 1905-1928, Volumes 1-10 by B.C. Allen, 1905-06; Volume 11 written anonymously, 1928. Supplementary volumes published c 1915.
- There is a download available as a pdf file from Pahar-Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset as 1905 Assam District Gazetteers Vols 1 To 10. mirror version.
- The following were mainly from the Digital Library of India, now with mirror files on Cachar Vol. 1 1905; Sylhet Vol. 2 2013 reprint of 1905 original, Sylhet Supplement 1915; Goalpara Vol.3 1905, Supplement to Goalpara 1914. Also available British Library EAP454/9/1 (TIFF images); Kamrup Vol. 4 1905; Darrang Vol. 5 1905, Darrang Supplement 1915; Nowgong Vol. 6 1905, Nowgong Supplement 1915 ; Sibsagar Vol. 7 1906, Sibsagar Supplement 1915; Lakhimpur Vol. 8 1905, Lakhimpur Supplement 1916; Naga Hills And Manipur Vol. 9 1905; The Khasi and Jaintia Hills, the Garo Hills and the Lushai Hills Vol.10 1906, Volume 10 Supplement 1915. British Library EAP file EAP454/9/2. (Tiff images, may require a plug-in); Vol.11 The Sadiya Frontier Tract and Balipara Frontier Tract, (in two Parts) 1928.
- A Description of the Roads in Bengal and Bahar by James Rennell 1778 Google Books. Although not a Gazetteer, this book contains many place names.
- Bengal District Gazetteers. See Gazetteer titles for more details about the various editions.
- Bakarganj by J C Jack 1918. Howrah by L. S. S. O'Malley and Monmohan Chakravarti 1909. Manbhum by H Coupland 1910. Murshidabad by L.S.S. O'Malley 1914. Mymensingh by F A Sachse 1917. Nadia by J H E Garrett 1910. Shahabad by L. S. S. O'Malley 1906. All
- Many Bengal District Gazetteers appear on, as Bengal District Gazetteers including Hooghly 1912 and 24 Parganas 1914. Some Districts are catalogued without the word Bengal, or the spelling of Gazetteer may vary, such as Rajshahi District Gazeteers 1916.
- Various Bengal District Gazetteers are available as pdfs to download on DSpace at West Bengal State Central Library under the subject category such as Gazetteers and Gazeeteers, the latter includes Bengal District Gazetteers: 24-Parganas by L.S.S. O'Malley 1914, with an mirror version.
- Restricted access: For those in North America and some other countries, volumes may be accessed on the Hathi Trust Digital Library, catalogued according to a volume number, but see separate list.
- Eastern Bengal District Gazetteers, or Eastern Bengal and Assam District Gazetteers The majority of the files were from the Digital Library of India, now with mirror versions on
- Bogra by J. N. Gupta 1910; Chittagong by L S S O'Malley 1908. Also available as a British Library EAP file EAP454/9/4 (Tiff images, may require a plug-in); Chittagong Hill Tracts by R Hutchinson 1909; Dacca by B C Allen 1912; Dinajpur by F W Strong 1912; Jalpaiguri by John F Gruning ICS 1911; Noakhali by JE Webster 1911; Rangpur by J A Vas 1911; Tippera by J E Webster 1910
- Digital Library of India mirror versions available on Eastern Bengal District Gazetteers plus Chittagong Hill Tracts, Jalpaiguri.
- Government of Haryana: Reprinted Old British Gazetteers, previously part of Bengal, and of Punjab. Haryana Government website. Some links were available as searchable pdfs, others were in html format, current format unclear. Includes Delhi District 1883-84; Kurnaul (Karnal) District 1892, 1918; Umballa (Ambala) District 1883-84, 1892, 1923-24.
- Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency Volumes 1-27, 1877-1904 For Sind, see below.
- The Madras Road Book. Edition- 1839, Index, Alphabetical List of the Madras Collectorates with details. Google Books. Although not a Gazetteer, this book contains many place names.
- Madras District Gazetteers
- The Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Local Gazetteer 1908
- Baluchistan
- Central Asia Part III–Topography Ethnology Resources and History of Belochistan by MacGregor 1875. Pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download button does not display, locate the book file under "Books/ Indian Subcontinent". Part of the series Central Asia, see below.
- Baluchistan District Gazetteer Series published in 1907., mirror versions from Digital Library of India.
- Zhob District Vol. I version ; Loralai District Vol. II - 2nd file; Sibi District Vol. III by Major A McConaghey IA 1907; Bolan And Chagai Vol. IV and IV A; Quetta-Pishin District Vol.V; Sarawan, Kachhi And Jhalawan Vol. VI; Makran Vol. VII; Kharan Vol. VIIA; Vol.VIII
- Baluchistan District Gazetteer Series. Vol. IX: Index to Volumes I to VIII 1908. Pdf download, Digital Repository of GIPE-Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics [Pune India]. Other volumes are also available on GIPE. Viewers in some countries, probably including North America, may be able to access volumes on the Google Books or Hathi Trust websites.
- Bihar and Orissa District Gazetteers, published 1917-1933. Earlier editions were published as Bengal District Gazetteers., many were originally Digital Library of India.
- Champaran (handle/2015/279711); Cuttack (handle/2015/93207); Hazaribagh by E Lister 1918; Monghyr by L S S O'Malley, revised edition, elsewhere stated to be 1926; Palamau (handle/2015/279713); Puri (handle/2015/281288); Ranchi (handle/2015/48665); Sambalpur (handle/2015/279714); Shahabad by L S S O Malley, revised edition by J F W James 1924.
- DLI mirror versions on for Bihar and Orissa District Gazetteers. If you have problems locating the above volumes, use the final number as a search term, example 2015.279711
- Gazetteer for the Haidarabad Assigned Districts Commonly Called Berar 1870
- Central India State Gazetteer Series. Compliled by Captain C E Luard, Superintendent of Gazetteer in Central India.This series consisted of 1. Gwalior State 2. Indore State 3. Bhopal State 4. Rewah State 5. Western States (Malwa) 6. Eastern States (Bundelkhand). Published 1907-1908., Digital Library of India Collection.
- Gwalior State Gazetteer Volume I Text and Tables, Vol I, Part II: Atlas, Vol I, Part III Village List, Vol I Part IV Photographs, the latter poor quality.
- Indore State Gazetteer Volume II Text and Tables; Bhopal State Gazetteer Volume III Text and Tables; Rewah State Gazetteer Volume IV Text And Tables; Western States Gazetteer Malwa Volume V Part A, Text; Eastern States (Bundelkhand) Gazetteer. Volume VI-A-Text
- The Gazetteer of the Central Provinces of India by Charles Grant 1870
- Central Provinces District Gazetteers: Bilaspur District Volume A Descriptive 1910 (Volume 7)
- Central Provinces District Gazetteers: Chhattisgarh Feudatory States 1909 (Volume 10)
- Central Provinces District Gazetteers: Raipur District Volume A Descriptive 1909 (Volume 18)
- Digital Library of India mirror versions on for Central Provinces District Gazetteers, including Jubbulpore District, Vol A and Nagpur District, Vol A.
- Gazetteers of Central Provinces and Berar. Digital reprints by Maharashtra State Gazetteers Department, of some individual Districts, including Nagpur (archived webpage). Transcriptions: All include District in the title: Akola 1910 (Berar) - Another version Akola; Amraoti (Berar); Bhandara; Chanda; Durg reprint of Volume A 1910 and Volumes B statistical tables from 1891-1926. Pdf download.; Nagpur; Wardha
- A supplement to the Fatehpur Gazetteer 1887
- The Himalayan Districts of the North Western Provinces of India Volumes I, II and III by Edwin T Atkinson published 1882, 1884, 1886 as Volumes X, XI, XII of Statistical, descriptive and historical account of the North-Western Provinces of India Volume I/Volume X, Volume II/Volume XI,Volume III/Volume XII Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
- The Himalayan Gazetteer or the Himalayan Districts of the North Western Provinces of India by Edwin T Atkinson in 3 Volumes (6 Parts) is available, in a reprint edition. Covers the regions of Kumaon and Garhwal. This area is now the state of Uttarakhand. Volume 1, part 1 Contents digital page 12; Volume 1, part 2 Contents dp 12, Index dp 536; Volume 2, part 1 Contents dp18; Volume 2, part 2 Contents dp 16 Index dp 458, includes History of the British in the area; Volume 3, part 1 Contents dp 10 Place names A-J; Volume 3, part 2 Contents dp 8 Place names K-Z. Vol. 1, Part 1 (handle/2015/95851); Vol. 1, Part 2 (handle/2015/97345); Vol. 2, Part 1 (handle/2015/95852); Vol. 2, Part 2 (handle/2015/96527); Vol. 3, Part 1 (handle/2015/95853); Vol. 3, Part 2 (handle/2015/95854). Additional files are available for Volume 3.
- Originally from the Digital Library of India. with mirror versions on for Himalayan Gazetteer. If you have problems locating the above volumes, use the final number as a search term, example 2015.95851
- Three volumes of a reprint edition of the The Himalayan Gazetteer are available to read online on the Panjab Digital Library. It is necessary to first register to read more than the first few pages.Volume 1, Part 1, Volume 2, Part 1, Volume 3, Part 1 Possibly each volume also includes Part 2
- Hyderabad: Gazetteer Of Aurangabad 1884 Published under the orders of His Highness the Nizam’s Government.
- A Gazetteer of Kashmir and the adjacent districts of Kishtwa̕r, Badrawa̕r, Jamu̕, Naoshera, Pu̕nch and the valley of the Kishen Ganga ; Pt. 7, Sect. 1 (part of the series Central Asia , see below) by Charles Ellison Bates 1873 Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. Reprint edition
- Central Asia Part 4 Section 2–Topography Ethnology Resources and History of Ladak by Maisey 1878. Pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download button does not display, locate the book file under "Books/Indian Subcontinent". mirror version. Note: catalogued incorrectly, should be Part 7, Section 2. Part of the series Central Asia , see below.
- Gazetteer Of Kashmir And Ladak 1890. Full title: Gazetteer of Kashmír and Ladak : together with routes in the territories of the Maharaja of Jamu and Kashmir compiled (for political and military reference) under the direction of the Quarter Master General in India in the Intelligence Branch 1890. version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...". Section 5. Routes in the territories of the Maharaja of Jummoo and Kashmir, and adjacent countries compiled ... by M.H. Saward Google Books
- Routes in Western-Himalaya Kashmir &c Volume 1 Punch, Kashmir, Ladakh [Púnch, Kashmír & Ladákh] by Kenneth Mason. Published under the direction of the Surveyor General of India, 1922 and printed at the Office of the Trigonometrical Survey of India, Dehra Dun. 2nd edition 1929, Revised and corrected. Pdf downloads, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If not otherwise available, locate the book files under 'Books'
- Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers: Indore (Central India) 1971 Google Books
- Directory for the Mahi Kantha Agency , Volume 1 by F. Sorabji, 1922. Digital Library of India Collection on Contents digital page 10. Mahi Kantha was a political agency or collection of Princely States within the Gujarat Division of Bombay Presidency. (Spelling variants: Mahee Kanta; Mahee Canta; Mahee Caunta).
- Mysore was a Princely State
- Manual of Coorg : a Gazetteer of the natural features of the country and the social and political condition of its inhabitants ; (with a map and four illustrations) by G Richter 1870 Staatsbibliothek Berlin
- Mysore and Coorg : A gazetteer compiled for the government of India by Lewis Rice
- Volume 2, Mysore by Districts 1876, Volume 3, Coorg 1878
- Mysore: a Gazetteer compiled for Government Revised Edition
- Mysore Gazetteer edited by C. Hayavadana Rao published 1927-1930 in 5 volumes (Volume 2 is in 4 parts) (total 8). Volume 1, Descriptive; Volume 2, Historical (in 4 Parts); Volume 3, Economic; Volume 4, Administrative; Volume 5, Gazetteer; One volume is available on Mysore Gazetteer Volume 2 Part 4:Historical, Modern Period c 1930
- Digital Library of India mirror versions on Mysore Gazetteer including Volume 5 reprint edition.
- North-West Frontier Province District Gazetteer series. For earlier editions, see Punjab District Gazetteers. Hazara District 1907, version, mirror from Digital Library of India ; Peshawar District 1931, version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Gazetteer of the Countries Adjacent to India on the Northwest by Edward Thornton (1844). Includes Sind, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and the Punjab.
- Volume 1, A-K Google Books
- Volume 2, L-Z, together with an Appendix containing 'Routes' and an Index (A-Z) Google Books
- Central Asia Part I: A contribution towards the better knowledge of the topography, ethnology, resources, & history of the North-West Frontier of British India complied (for political and military reference) by C M MacGregor 1873. Part of the series Central Asia, see below.
- Central Asia Part-i Vol-ii J to Peshawar. version mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Volume I, Volume II, Volume III. Pdf downloads, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download buttons do not display, locate the book files under "Books/ Indian Subcontinent". Part I Volume I, Part I Volume II, Part I Volume III mirror versions.
- Punjab District Gazetteers
- Many Punjab District Gazetteers were previously available Digital Library of India. Details as catalogued. Dates may be approximate. Some files below may be reprint editions. Titles include District, except those volumes which are Punjab States Gazetteers. See Gazetteer titles for more details about the various editions. You possibly be may be able to locate mirror versions on using the URL format by substituting the last number of the URL with the number which follows, and then copying and pasting into your browser. (Alternatively, Search for the title):
- Chenab Colony 1904; Gujranwala 1883, Gujranwala 1893, Gujranwala 1935; 35269 Gujrat 1883 -35649 Gujrat 1893; Gurdaspur 1883 - 105600 Gurdaspur 1891 - 105601 Gurdaspur 1915; Gurgaon 1883; Hisar 1883, 105603 Hissar District and Loharu State 1904; Hoshiarpur 1883, Hoshiarpur 1904; 105608 Jhang 1883; Jhelam 1883, Jhelam 1904; Kangra Vol.1 Kangra Proper 1883, Kangra 1904; Kangra , Vol. 2 - Kulu, Lahul And Spiti 1897, Kangra Parts II Kulu and Saraj, III Lahul, IV Spiti 1917; Mianwali 1915; Muzaffargarh 1883,Muzaffargarh 1908, Muzaffargarh, Leiah Tahsil 1916, Muzaffargarh 1929; 105629 Rohtak 1883 - 63002 Rohtak 1911; Shahpur 1883, Shahpur 1897, Shahpur 1917;
- Editions of the following, including many of the Districts with cantonments, are also available on, including mirror versions: Ambala 1883, Ambala 1923 (reprint); Amritsar 1883, Amritsar 1893, Amritsar 1947; Bannu 1883; Delhi 1883, Delhi 1912; Dera Ghazi Khan 1883, Dera Ghazi Khan 1893; Dera Ismail Khan 1883; Ferozepore 1883, Ferozepore 1888, Ferozepore 1915; Hazara 1883; Jalandhar 1883, Jullundur 1908; Karnal 1883, Karnal 1892, Karnal 1918; Lahore 1883, Lahore 1893; Lahore 1918; Ludhiana 1888, Ludhiana 1904; Montgomery 1883, Montgomery 1898; Mooltan 1883, Multan 1901, Multan 1923; Peshawar 1883, Peshawar 1897; Rawalpindi 1883, Rawalpindi 1893, Rawalpindi 1907; Sialkot 1895, Sialkot 1920; Simla 1888,Simla 1904.
- Punjab States Gazetteers. Title includes State. Bahawalpur Vol. XXXVI A. 1904, pub. 1908; Chamba Vol. XXII A. 1904, pub. 1910; Dujana State Volume III A 1904; Faridkot Volume XVI A. 1907, pub. 1909; Kalsia State 1904 Volume VII A, p 1908; Mandi State Vol. XII A. 1904, pub. 1908, Mandi State 1920; Phulkian States. Patiala, Jind and Nabha Volume XVII A. 1904, pub. 1909; Simla Hill States Vol. VIII 1910, pub. 1911, Simla Hill States 1934; Sirmur State 1904 p 1907, Sirmur State 1934 p 1939; Suket State 1904 Volume XII A, Suket State 1927.
- Panjab Digital Library includes a number of Punjab District Gazetteers (The spelling also includes Gazeteer/ Gazetter/ Gazeetter). It is necessary to first register to read more than the first few pages of each book, which are available to read online.
- Also see Gazetteers of Haryana, above, (located under Bengal) for reprints of some editions.
- Rajputana Gazetteer published 1879-1880. Volume I, Vol. II, Vol. III All
- Rajputana District Gazetteers: Volume I-A Ajmer Merwara by C C Watson, ICS 1904
- Gazetteer of the Rampur State 1911 (A Princely State located near the United Provinces). Staatsbibliothek Berlin
- The Gazetteer of Sikkim 1894 . (Sikkim was a Princely State)
- A Gazetteer of the Province of Sind by AW Hughes 1876
- The following volumes are available with mirror editions on, originally from Digital Library of India : Gazetteer of the Province of Sind by EH Aitken 1907. version. This publication contains matters of a permanent character and general interest. ('A' volume) There are also additional 'B' volumes (probably seven) containing statistical tables and matters of local interest, published in 1919 and 1926-1928. The first six are available online.
- Volume I- Karachi District: 1910 (perhaps 1919?),, [1919], ; Volume II- Hyderabad District, version; Volume III -Sukkur District, version 1919; version 1928; Volume IV- Larkana District, version 1927; Volume V- Nawabshah District, (handle/2015/17369) 1920, version 1926; Volume VI-Thar and Parkar District (handle/2015/17102) 1919, version, 1919 different file. (Not available online: B Volume VII Upper Sind Frontier District, but it is available at the British Library IOR/V/27/63/110).
- A Gazetteer of Southern India: with the Tenasserim Provinces and Singapore Pharoah and Co (1855) Google Books
- Gazetteer of Ulwur by PW Powlett 1878. (Princely State of Alwar , Ulwar or Ulwur (Rajputana Agency))
- Gazetteer of the Province of Oudh (1877-1878) Archive .org
- Statistical, Descriptive and Historical Account of the North-Western Provinces of India by Edwin T Atkinson and others 1874-1886. See separate list for details
- Volume I: Bundelkhand Volume II Meerut Division PartI, The Eta District (A District of the Agra Division) 1876
- Collection of 14 volumes, some with up to three parts (22 books in total) Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
- files, including mirror editions from DLI. Some of the volumes are only catalogued by volume number (in Roman numerals), but see separate list. Includes Vol Viii Part Ii Allahabad
- District Gazetteers of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh compiled and edited by H.R. Nevill, published 1903-1936. There are 48 volumes, see separate list. Note some volumes appear to have more than one Part.
- Volume 4 Meerut compiled and edited by H. R. Nevill 1904
- Collection of all of the 48 books in the series Berlin State Library.
- files, (search term Gazetteers United Provinces) and more files (search term including Gazetteer) mainly mirror editions of Digital Library of India files. Some of the volumes are only catalogued by volume number (in Roman numerals), but see separate list. Also Volume 1, Dehra Dun; Volume VII Muttra 1911.
- Restricted access, probably available to those in North America. Hathi Trust
- Bhagirathi - The Institute Repository of IIT Roorkee in the Archives collection of the Central Library has many Gazetteers in this series, which may be download as (large) pdfs. Selecting “Browse by title , and then letter G the following are available, (Lucknow is under D for District), including
- Agra 1905 (Volume 8); Allahabad 1911 (Volume 23); Almora 1911 (Volume 35); Dehra Dun 1911 (Volume 1); Lucknow Division 1916 (Volume 37) probably Supplementary Notes and Statistics; Nainital 1904 (Volume 34)
- Brief Gazetteer of the Most Important and Useful Place Names in the Waziristan District 1935, mirror from Pahar-Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset.
- Gazetteer of the District of Rangoon, Pegu Province, British Burma : together with an historical account of that portion of the province which was formerly known as Han-Tha-Wa-Dee by Malcolm B. S.Lloyd , Captain, Madras Staff Corps, Deputy Commissioner of the Rangoon District 1868. Staatsbibliothek Berlin
- The British Burma Gazetteer: Volume I 1880 British Library Digital Collection. Also available version, mirror from Digital Library of India; Volume II A-Z 1879
- Report and Gazetteer of Burma, Native and British Part I 1883 by Douglas Macneill, South East Asia Visions, Cornell University., Digital Library of India Collection version. This volume is about Native or Upper Burma (Part II is Lower or British Burma, Part III Appendices, but these volumes are not available online (at June 2014))
- The Chin Hills: A History of the people. our dealings with them, their customs and manners, and a Gazetteer of their country, Volume II by Bertram S Carey and H N Tuck 1896 Contains "Gazetteer of Villages". (Volume I). The digital files lack the original photographs.
- Gazetteer of Upper Burma and the Shan States (1900-1901)
- Part 1, Volume 1 includes Chapter 10, Ethnology with Vocabularies. Part 1, Volume 2 Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, Part I Vol Ii,, Digital Library of India Collection version.
- Part 2, Volume 1 A-K, Part 2, Volume 2 L-P, Part 2, Volume 3 R-Z
- The Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series Burma 1908 Volume I, Volume II, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Burma Gazetteer: District Series. There were two series, published 1906-1907, and then 1910-1935. Published as Part A, descriptive; part B, tables. See separate list for Part A titles. The following are catalogued as Part A, or appear to be Part A.
- Editions on, many originally from Digital Library of India. Most titles include the wording District Vol A :
- Akyab 1917, Amherst 1913, Northern Arakan (or Arakan Hill Tracts) 1910, Bassein 1916, Bhamo 1912, Lower Chindwin District, Upper Burma 1912, also available Hong Kong University Library; Upper Chindwin 1913, Henzada 1915, Insein 1914, Kyaukse 1925, Mandalay 1928, Maubin (or Ma-Ubin) 1931, Mergui 1912, Myitkyina 1912, Pakokku 1913, Pegu 1917, Ruby Mines 1915, Salween 1910, Sandoway 1912, Shwebo 1929, Syriam 1914, Tharrawaddy 1920, Thaton 1931, Thayetmyo 1911, Toungoo 1914, Yamèthin 1934.
- Myanmar Law Library contains some online volumes of the Burma Gazetteer, which appear to be transcriptions including Volume A for Amherst c 1934, Mandalay, probably c 1925, Shwebo c 1924 and Tharawaddy, c 1913, and some B volumes, classified under Legal journal. If the link is not permanent, search for Gazetteer.
- HathiTrust Digital Library editions accessible to those in regions such as North America.
- "Alphabetical List of Stations [of the Irrawaddy River]", page 45 with 1952 Map of the Irrawaddy River facing page 43 Inland Water Transport Board (Irrawaddy Section), published July 1952 or later.
- Routes
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...". Section 6. pt. 1. Routes in Nepaul. pt. 2. Routes in Bhutan. pt. 3. Routes in Sikhim. Pt 4. Routes in Thibet. pt. 5. Routes in Burmah. pt. 6. Routes between Assam and Burmah compiled ... by H.S. Brownrigg. Google Books
- Refer Gazetteer of the Countries Adjacent to India on the Northwest by Edward Thornton (1844) under India, Regional
- Central Asia Part II: A contribution towards the better knowledge of the topography, ethnology, resources, & history of Afghanistan complied (for political and military reference) by C.M. MacGregor. 1871 HathiTrust Digital Library. Google Books edition. Also available PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset as a pdf download. If the download button does not display, locate under Books/Afghanistan.
- Refer Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series above
- Also see Afghanistan for more Gazetteers.
- Routes
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...". Section 2. Routes in Afghanistan compiled ... by F.J.N. Mackenzie Google Books
Central Asia
- The series Central Asia Intelligence Branch, QMG's Dept, 1871-78. Initial volumes by C M MacGregor pt. 1. North-West Frontier of British India. 3 vol.; pt. 2. Afghanistan; pt. 3. Balochistan; pt. 4. Persia; pt. 5. Asiatic Turkey and Caucasia; pt. 6, section 1 Khanat of Khiva by Cpt Henry Collett; pt. 6, section 2 Khanat of Bokhara by Captain John Moubray Trotter. Note some references to this part use the spelling Khanate; pt 7, section 1. A gazetter of Kashmir and the adjacent districts of Kishtwar, Badrawar, Jamu, Naoshera, Punch and the valley of the Kishen Ganga by Capt Charles Ellison Bates; pt. 7, section 2. Ladak by F. Maisey.
- Mostly available at the British Library UIN: BLL01002315764, last volume available at the BL in a reprint edition. Mostly also available IOR/L/MIL/17/14/72. Available online:
- Part I, see immediately before Punjab District Gazetteers, above.
- Part II, see Afghanistan above
- Part III, see Baluchistan above
- Parts IV, V, see Persian Gulf etc below
- Part VII, Section 1, and Section 2 see Kashmir above.
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...".
- Section 1. Routes in Asia Minor, Armenia, Kurdistan, Georgia, Mesopotamia, and part of western Persia / compiled ... by W.J. Boyes -- Section 2. Routes in Afghanistan / compiled ... by F.J.N. Mackenzie -- Section 3. Routes in Khiva, Bokhara, Khokand, Yarkand, and Russian Turkestan / compiled ... by R.H. Fawcett -- Section 4. Routes in Persia and Balochistan / compiled ... by C.M. MacGregor -- Section 5. Routes in the territories of the Maharaja of Jummoo and Kashmir, and adjacent countries / compiled ... by M.H. Saward -- Section 6. pt. 1. Routes in Nepaul. pt. 2. Routes in Bhutan. pt. 3. Routes in Sikhim. Pt 4. Routes in Thibet. pt. 5. Routes in Burmah. pt. 6. Routes between Assam and Burmah / compiled ... by H.S. Brownrigg.
- Section I, Section II, Section III, Section IV, Section V, Section VI Google Books
- The six Sections are also available on HathiTrust Digital Library.
- Dardistan and Kafiristan : in three parts compiled under the orders of C.M. Macgregor, Quarter Master General in India, by E.G. Barrow, ... Intelligence Branch. 1885, Contents: pt. 1. A gazetteer of Dardistan - pt. 2. An account of Kafiristan - pt. 3. A compilation of the routes traversing these regions. Original spelling uses Dárdistán and Káfiristán. At head of title: Confidential; incomplete, to be revised. Pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download button does not display, locate the book file under "Books/Afghanistan"
- Gazetteer of Dardistan and Kafiristan compiled by E.G. Barrow, Intelligence Branch, Quarter Master General's Department in India, 1886. Pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download button does not display, locate the book file under "Books/Afghanistan".
- Gazetteer of the Eastern Hindu Kush, by Capt E G Barrow, DAQMG, Intelligence Branch 1888. Pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download button does not display, locate the book file under "Books/Central Asia". Information elsewhere[2] indicates Part I, Wakhan, Ishkasham and Zebak; Parts II-III have similar titles to the 1885 publication; Part IV Routes in the Hindu Kush. Available at the British Library : Mss Eur F112/381 (Lord Curzon papers) along with two appendices to Barrow's Gazetteer by Lieutenant G K Cockerill 1895, 1896 Mss Eur F112/382-383.
- Table of Distances in Russia, Central Asia, and India. Compiled at the Intelligence Branch of the War Office, May 1885, by Lieut. Wisely. Great Britain. War Office. Intelligence Division. 1885. British Library Digital file.
- The Ceylon Gazetteer; containing an accurate account of the districts, provinces, cities, towns, principal villages, harbours, rivers, lakes &c. of the Island of Ceylon, together with sketches of the manners, customs, institutions, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, revenues, population, castes, religion, history of its various inhabitants 1834 Google Books
- A Gazetteer of the Central Province of Ceylon (excluding Walapane) by Archibald Campbell Lawrie
- Volume 1, A-K 1896, Volume 2, L-Z 1898
Mesopotamia (Iraq)
Entries from A Handbook of Mesopotamia by Admiralty War Staff Intelligence Division 1917
- "Volume II: Irak, the Lower Karun and Luristan" May 1917 Volume II Gazetteer of Towns page 371. Qatar Digital Library
- "Volume III: Central Mesopotamia with Southern Kurdistan and the Syrian Desert" January 1917. Volume III Gazetteer of Towns, page 350. Hathi Trust Digital Library.
- "Volume IV: Northern Mesopotamia and Central Kurdistan" April 1917. Volume IV Gazetteer of Towns, page 418. Hathi Trust Digital Library
- Routes
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...". Section 1. Routes in Asia Minor, Armenia, Kurdistan, Georgia, Mesopotamia, and part of western Persia compiled ... by W.J. Boyes Google Books
- Refer Imperial Gazetteer of India Provincial Series above
- Routes
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...". Section 6. pt. 1. Routes in Nepaul. pt. 2. Routes in Bhutan. pt. 3. Routes in Sikhim. Pt 4. Routes in Thibet. pt. 5. Routes in Burmah. pt. 6. Routes between Assam and Burmah compiled ... by H.S. Brownrigg. Google Books
Persian Gulf, Oman And Central Arabia
- Central Asia Part IV: A contribution towards the better knowledge of the topography, ethnology, resources, & history of Persia complied (for political and military reference) by C.M. MacGregor. 1871
- Central Asia. Part V. A contribution towards the better knowledge of the History, Ethnography, Topography, and resources of part of Asiatic Turkey and Caucasia compiled by Lieutenant-Colonel C M Macgregor 1872. Qatar Digital Library.
- Military Report on South-West Persia, Including the Provinces of Khuzistan (Arabistan), Luristan, and Part of Fars by Major and Bt. Lieut-Col. Mark S. Bell, V.C., R.E. 1885. Qatar Digital Library, ref: British Library Printed Collections V 8685. Prepared in the Intelligence Branch of the Quarter Master General's Department in India.
- Gazetteer of Persia, Part III, including Fārs, Lūristān, Arabistān, Khūzistān, Yazd, Karmānshāh, Ardalān, Kurdistān Compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the Quartermaster General’s Department in India 1885. Qatar Digital Library.
- Persian Gulf Gazetteer. Part 1. Historical and political materials. Precis of Turkish expansion on the Arab littoral of the Persian Gulf and Hasa [Al-Hasa] and Katif [Al-Qaṭīf] affairs. 1904 The précis was prepared by Jerome Antony Saldana (Saldanha) Ref: IOR/L/PS/20/C238. Published by the Government of India Foreign Department, Simla. Qatar Digital Library.
- Gazetteer of Kermanshah. 1907 [A province of Persia] by Hyacinth Louis Rabino, Vice-Consul at Resht [Rasht] at the time of the gazetteer’s publication in 1907, and who had been Acting Consul at Kermanshah during 1904 and 1905. British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/19 Qatar Digital Library.
- Report on Kurdistan (1911) Confidential report compiled by Hyacinth Louis Rabino. Simla 1911. Includes "Part III: Gazetteer of Kurdistan" British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/21 Qatar Digital Library.
- Gazetteer Of The Persian Gulf, Oman And Central Arabia by J G Lorimer, published 1908 to 1915. Volume I, Historical consists of Part I being the 'Arabian' portion of the History and Part II being the 'Persian' section of the History. Both Parts of Volume I, Historical, have the same extensive index, covering all Parts. Volume I: Historical: Part III Geneaological Tables and a Map. Volume II: Geographical and Statistical.
- Available on, Digital Library of India Collection.
- Volume I Historical Part I, published 1915.
- Volume I Historical Part II
- Appendix R Books of reference page 2700.
- Volume II Geographical And Statistical, published 1908.There is no Index. Introduction pages i-iii are missing.
- Volume I, Part III of a reprint edition is available on the National Library of Australia Digital Collections-Maps Catalogue entry. It contains two maps (including the map of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia) and genealogical trees.
- Four out of six volumes of a reprint edition are available to read online at Hathi Trust Digital Library. The volumes are Volume I: Historical: Part I (in two volumes), (missing Historical: Part II, Part III) and Volume II: Geographical and Statistical (in two volumes)
- The Qatar Digital Library contains copies of the original editions held at the British Library. Note: these webpages may be very slow to load at times
- Volume I: Historical: Part I IOR/L/PS/20/C91/1. The 'Arabian' portion of the History
- Volume I: Historical: Part II IOR/L/PS/20/C91/2. The 'Persian' section of the History
- Volume I: Historical: Part III Geneaological Tables and a Map IOR/L/PS/20/C91/3
- Volume II: Geographical and Statistical IOR/L/PS/20/C91/4. Includes alphabetical entries for tribes, towns and regions, from ‘Abdalilah to Zubārah. It also contains fifty-six reproductions of photographs taken by British colonial officers and others.
- 1905-1908 Map of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia compiled in the Foreign Office, Simla, by Lieut. F.F. Hunder IOR/L/PS/20/C91/6
- Click on “About this record” for information about the contents. To select a particular page, click on “View all items”.
- Available on, Digital Library of India Collection.
- British Library Untold lives blog ‘Persian Gulf tragedy’ – the death of John Gordon Lorimer 08 February 2014 (retrieved 18 June 2014)
- Gazetteer of Persia. Qatar Digital Library.
- 1910 editions: Gazetteer of Persia, Volume III 1910. British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/2/2. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India
- Gazetteer Of Persia. Volume IV. 1910. British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/2/3. Prepared by the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India.
- Index Map To Gazetteer Of Persia 1909. British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/2/3, f 323
- 1914 edition: Gazetteer of Persia, Volume II 1914. British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/3/1. Printed at the Government of India Monotype Press, Simla, 1914.
- 1917 edition: Gazetteer Of Persia. Vol. III. Part II: L to Z Part of the four-volume Gazetteer of Persia Provisional Edition, 1917, reprinted 1918. British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/15/4/2. Printed by Superintendent Government Printing, India, Calcutta.
- Index Map Of Gazetteer And Routes In Persia 1917 Ref: IOR/L/MIL/17/15/4/2, f 491
- Routes. All compiled in the Intelligence Branch of the Quarter-Master General's Department in India.
- Routes in Asia. Variant Title: Routes in Central Asia. Calcutta : Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, 1877-1878. "Compiled under the direction of Major General Fred. S. Roberts, C.B., V.C., Quarter Master General in India ...". Section 1. Routes in Asia Minor, Armenia, Kurdistan, Georgia, Mesopotamia, and part of western Persia compiled ... by W.J. Boyes.Google Books
- Section 4. Routes in Persia and Balochistan compiled ... by C.M. MacGregor Google Books
- Routes in Persia 1887 A preliminary volume, based in part on Routes for Asia, Section IV by Macgregor
- Routes in Persia, Section I 1898. Chiefly compiled by Captain E F H McSwiney. Qatar Digital Library.
- Routes in Persia. Section II. Compiled by Captain J. Vans Agnew, 3rd Madras Lancers 1895. Qatar Digital Library.
- Routes in Persia. Section III 1898. Compiled under the superintendence of Captain E F H McSwiney. Qatar Digital Library.
- Routes in Arabia 1915. Qatar Digital Library. From the British Library IOR/L/MIL/17/16/3. This volume contains descriptions of the 'more important of the known routes in Arabia proper'. Produced by the General Staff in Simla, India.
External links
- Robert S. Cragg’s World Postmarks ( link)
- India and States Pre-Independence India and Princely States.( link). Sourced from English Names for Indian Places; a Coded Index of Indian Post Offices by Marcus F C Martin, published 1966. Available at the British Library
- Pakistan, Burma
- "Understanding Maps for Genealogists" "Finding Obscure and Elusive Geographic Information on the Web" by James Tanner. Webinar by BYU Family History Library published May 2, 2016 YouTube.
- ↑ Smith, Max Place Name Rootsweb India Mailing List 1 December 2013, archived.
- ↑ Page 37 Mapping Transition in the Pamirs: Changing Human-Environmental Landscapes edited by Hermann Kreutzmann, Teiji Watanabe. Google Books