Salonica and the Balkans (First World War)

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Alternative spelling

Salonica, Salonika, Saloniki


Official History

Military Operations Macedonia compiled by Captain Cyril Falls

Volume I: From the Outbreak of War to the Spring of 1917
Volume II: From the Spring of 1917 to the End of the War.

Part of the series: History of the Great War based on Official Documents. First published 1933-1935, London by HMSO, with later reprints, including a 1996 edition by the Imperial War Museum/Battery Press.

Reprint editions[1] are available online on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, refer below.

Some of the maps from these two volumes are available online. The French Official History is available online. Refer Historical books online, below.

Regimental and Corps Histories

  • History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery : the Forgotten Fronts and the Home Base 1914-18 by Sir Martin Farndale 1988. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01008145796
  • Collections and Recollections of 107th Field Coy., R.E.. Author: Great Britain. Army. Royal Engineers. Field Coy, 107th. Author may also be listed as M J Rattray. Published 1918. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01001096078 . "The first of 2 volumes recording the unit's services in Macedonia/Salonica".[2]
Further Recollections of 107th Field Coy., R.E. [in Macedonia, 1915-1918]. Author: Great Britain. Army. Royal Engineers. Field Coy, 107th. Author may also be listed as "Sapper J Robertson and Former Lieutenant M J Rattray". Published 1920. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01001096079
  • The Railway Gazette Special War Transportation Number, originally published in September 1920, as part of The Railway Gazette and Railway News. Described at the time as ‘the first connected account’ of the role of railways and inland water transport in supporting the British military campaign during the Great War of 1914-18. Contains a wealth of detail on operations on most Fronts inc. the organisation of wartime transportation; statistics and Fronts, including Railway Operations in Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Palestine & East Africa. Available at the British Library as part of UIN: BLL01013904893 or in a 2013 reprint edition UIN: BLL01016871224. Also available in a reprint edition[3].


The Apulia region of Italy was used as a rest area for British troops serving in the Salonika campaign. There were several rest camps there, as well as Base Hospitals and stores depot.[4]

The British Salonika Force and the Army of the Black Sea

Immediately after the Armistice with Turkey orders had been issued for British troops to move to the Caucasus, due to the situation there. Troops were sent from the nearest British forces available, from the Salonika Force, and from North Persia [Mesopotamia Force]. Subsequently all troops came under control of the British Salonika Force, which later became known as the Army of the Black Sea, with Headquarters at Constantinople.[5]

See Norperforce for these actions.

War Diaries at the National Archives, Kew

War Diaries at the National Archives, Kew include the category "Part V: Salonika, Macedonia, Turkey Black Sea, Caucasus and South Russia". The record series ranges from WO 95/4756 to WO 95/4964 This series of War Diaries does not appear to have been digitised.

An annotated copy of the South Wales Borderers 7th Battalion’s war diary, covering the period from September 1915 to October 1919 is available from The Regimental Museum of The Royal Welsh.[6] (Brief details would appear in The History of the South Wales Borderers 1914 -1918 by C.T.Atkinson, originally published 1931, and available at the British Library in a reprint edition UIN: BLL01009164174. Also available online on a pay website, refer below.)

The War Diary of 8 Field Survey Company R.E. has been transcribed, see Historical books online, below.

Aviation articles

  • "HMS Canning and 7 Kite Balloon Section (RNAS) at Salonika" by Ian Burns, The New Mosquito #35 : April 2017. Edited from the following article, but with additional information "Kite Balloons at Sea: Gallipoli and Salonika 1915-16" by Ian Burns Cross and Cockade International Journal (Vol. 46, Number 1) Spring 2015. 1st page of CCI article
  • "Diary of Harry J.E. Burtenshaw 45040, 27 Kite Balloon Section, Royal Flying Corps, Part V" by Graham Fullalove The New Mosquito #35 : April 2017. Parts I-II-III Issues 30-31-32. Part IV not known, but probably 33 or 34.

External links

Salonika Campaign Bibliography
  • Salonika Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), now an archived webpage.
Salonika: The Forgotten Front. Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), now an archived webpage.
"Some forgotten Indians speak of the Great War" Details of a school project, with links to a slideshow. Although the text is in Greek, the slideshow contains photographs.
Soldiers’ Stories: [Diary extracts] Captain Noel Drury of 6th Battalion The Royal Dublin Fusiliers 1915-1916. National Army Museum.

Prisoners of War

"First World War Central Power Prison Camps" by Kenneth Steuer 1-1-2013 History Faculty Publications, Western Michigan University . Includes Bulgarian Prison Camps
  • Prisoners of War in Bulgaria during the First World War A dissertation submitted as part of the Tripos Examination in the Faculty of History, Cambridge University, April 2012. No author is given on the paper but elsewhere the author is given as Rumen Cholakov. This is a link to a pdf download. Once downloaded, depending on your browser, you may need to look in your download folder.The camp at Plovdiv [Philippopolis, Philippoupolis] housed all British and most French prisoners from 1916 onwards.
  • Prisoners of War and Internees (South East Europe) by Bogdan Trifunović. encyclopedia.1914-1918. Briefly mentions British POWs in Bulgaria.
  • Plovdiv Central Cemetery, Bulgaria. Contains Commonwealth War Graves from several sites.
findmypast introduced a database in March 2017, "British Army, Plovdiv Military Cemetery Burials"[7], perhaps from the previously mentioned website, with images of the graves.
  • Also see Prisoners of the Turks (First World War) for an indication of the types of records which may be available, including the National Archives records FO 383. In particular FO383/370 contains an informative file 4 inches thick.[8]

Maps online

Historical books online

  • The Balkans: A Laboratory of History by William M Sloane, Professor of History, Columbia University, 1914. Revised and Enlarged edition 1920
  • Secrets of the Balkans: Seven Years of a Diplomatist’s Life in the Storm Centre of Europe by Charles J Vopicka, United States Envoy…to Roumania, Serbia and Bulgaria 1913-1920. 1920
  • Military Operations Macedonia compiled by Captain Cyril Falls Volume I: From the Outbreak of War to the Spring of 1917 and Volume II: From the Spring of 1917 to the End of the War are available in reprint editions,[1] which in turn are available on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3 as Macedonia (located in Military Books-located by the Search/Macedonia). Note Volume II appears before Volume I. Part of the series History of the Great War based on official documents.
  • History of the Great War based on official documents. Order of Battle of Divisions Parts 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B and 4 all by Major A.F. Becke (London: HMSO, 1935-1945) are available in reprint editions[10], which in turn are available as one digital book of 1224 pages titled Order of Battle of Divisions on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Britain. Includes Macedonia.
There were subsequent publications Order of Battle of Divisions Part 5A, Divisions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand and those in East Africa, compiled by F.W. Perry c 1992. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01006378898 and Order of Battle of Divisions. Part 5B, Indian Army Divisions compiled by F. W. Perry c 1993 available at the B.L. UIN: BLL01008151437 . The latter is also catalogued with the additional title History of the Great War : based on official documents. These may possibly include Macedonia.
"Despatch from Lieutenant -General G.F. Milne dated 1st October 1917" The London Gazette. Publication date:13 November 1917 Supplement: 30380 Page: 11779
"Despatch from General Sir G.F. Milne dated 1st December 1918" The London Gazette. Publication date: 21 January 1919 Supplement: 31139 Page: 1169
Despatch from General Sir G.F. Milne, a one page supplement to the despatch dated 1st December 1918 The London Gazette. Publication date: 14 October 1919 Supplement: 31600 Page:12733
  • French Official Histories: Les Armées françaises dans la Grande Guerre French language. Includes: Tome VIII. La campagne d'Orient (Dardanelles et Salonique) in three volumes: Premier volume.La campagne d'Orient jusqu'à l'intervention de la Roumanie (février 1915 - août 1916); Deuxième volume. La campagne d'Orient depuis l'intervention de la Roumanie en août 1916 jusqu'en avril 1918; Troisième volume. La campagne d'Orient, d'avril 1918 à décembre 1918. There are maps (Cartes) and panoramic sketches (Croquis panoramiques).
  • German semi Official History: Herbstschlacht in Macedonien, Cernabogen 1916 by Georg Strutz 1925. Band [Volume] 5 in the series Schlachten des Weltkrieges. Oö. Landesbibliothek, the Digital State Library of Upper Austria. German language. With maps and photographs which may be located by clicking on the Thumbnail gallery. version 1921, where it is classified as Heft [Issue] 3.
  • Official History of Austria-Hungary: Österreich-Ungarns Letzter Krieg, 1914-1918 Chief Editor Edmund Glaise-Horstenau. In seven volumes, each with a supplementary volume (Beilagen/Beil) of Maps, and a final volume of miscellaneous appendices (Registerband). Oö. Landesbibliothek, the Digital State Library of Upper Austria. German language.
  • Turkish language Official Histories Birinci Dünya Harbi Serisi / World War I Series from Ministry of National Defence, Republic of Turkey. Includes maps. Item 14: Birinci Dünya Harbi, Avrupa Cepheleri, Makedonya Cephesi C.7 Ks.3. Using Google Translate First World War, European Fronts, Macedonian Front C.7 Ks.3. Direct pdf link. There is also item 15 Birinci Dünya Harbi, Türk Hava Harekatı C.9 Air Operations, and item 16 Birinci Dünya Harbinde Türk Harbi, Deniz Harekâtı C.8 Naval Operations
  • Medical
    Also in this series: Medical Services: Diseases of the War Volume I, Includes Malaria.
    Typhus Fever: with particular reference to the Serbian Epidemic by Richard P Strong, Director of the American Red Cross and International Sanitary Commissions to Serbia. 1920
    • Anti-malaria Work in Macedonia among British Troops by W G Willoughby 1918. version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
    • Salonika Diary 1915-1918. (Harold Arthur) Thomas Fairbank was an Officer in the Royal Army Medical Corps. His unit was moved to Macedonia to serve in Struma valley, and he was appointed consulting surgeon to the British Salonika Force. From the Fairbank Papers, University of Cambridge Digital Library. Typed manuscript, photographs etc.
    • Fifty Thousand Miles on a Hospital Ship by “The Padre” [Charles Steel Wallis] 1917 The hospital ship that Padre Wallis joined in 1915 was most likely the 'Goorkha'.[11] The ship arrived in Salonika from page 268 by which time the ship was a British Hospital Ship (previously Indian Hospital Ship).
    • The Convoy Call, Christmas Number 1916. Regimental Journal, No 5 Canadian General Hospital, published at Salonica. Includes a history of the Unit in Salonica from 1 January 1916, page 8. Additional issues: Volume 1, No. 3 (October 26 1916) and Volume 1, No. 4 (November 11 1916).
    • "Chapter XII", page 134 Behind the Wheel of a War Ambulance by Robert Whitney Imbrie 1918 The author was a volunteer with the American Ambulance, in France and, from October 1916 until April 1917, the Balkans, (Macedonia, Albania) where he was attached to the French “Army of the Orient” L’Armee Francaise d’Orient (French Expeditionary Force). The author was, or became, part of the American Field Service. Robert Whitney Imbrie Wikipedia He was later American Vice Consul in Teheran, and was murdered there in 1924.
    Some extracts from this book are included, along with accounts from other members of the group of American drivers in
    "In the Orient" [Balkans], page 341, Volume I History of the American Field Service in France, “Friends of France", 1914-1917 told by its members and page 183, Volume III both published 1920.
    • Uncensored Letters from the Dardanelles written to his English Wife by a French Medical Officer of Le Corps Expeditionnaire D’Orient [Joseph Marguerite Jean Vassal] 1916 Includes Serbia. Book No. 4 in the series Soldiers’ Tales of the Great War.
  • "Casualties in Months, Salonica" page 288 Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire during the Great War, 1914-1920. The War Office HMSO 1922
  • History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, Volume VI: Gallipoli, Macedonia, Egypt and Palestine 1914-18, edited by H.L. Pritchard, published 1952. Note: Volume VI does not include information about Signals as "The history of their work is being produced by the Royal Corps of Signals themselves".[12]
"An Unofficial History of the Signal Service with the British Salonika Force 1915-1918" by Capt C C S White The Royal Engineers Journal.
Part 1 Scroll to pages 647-658 (the digital file commences page 537) Vol XL No 4 December 1926; and Part 2 Scroll to pages 97-108 Vol XLI No 1 March 1927. The latter also includes the Occupation of Constantinople, see Norperforce.
The War Diary of 8 Field Survey Company R.E. British Salonika Force from 1 January 1917 to 10 April 1919. Transcribed from a National Archives, Kew document. Historical Papers: Defence Surveyors' Association Scroll down. Direct pdf link.
"Inland Waterways and Docks, Royal Engineers in War Time, with special reference to the mystery port of Richborough (Lecture & Discussion)" by Captain A E Battle, RE Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers 1923-1924, pages 104-116. Includes Inland Water Transport in Mesopotamia, and brief mention of other theatres of war Egypt, Salonika, East Africa, Italy and Northern Russia. Melbourne University Digital Collection.
Records of the Survey of India, Volume 20. The War Record 1914-1920 1925. If the download button does not display, locate in Books/Survey Of India, or Direct link PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. Google Books version, Public Domain in USA. Work of Royal Engineers of the Survey of India mapping in various theatres of war, in Mesopotamia, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Arabia, Persia, Palestine, East Africa and Afghanistan.
  • The Royal Army Service Corps: A History of Transport and Supply in the British Army, Volume II by Colonel R H Beadon 1931., mirror from Digital Library of India. Includes the First World War period, with a chapter on the Balkans.
  • A History of the Army Ordnance Services, Volume III: The Great War by Major General Arthur Forbes 2nd edition 1932, first published 1929., mirror from Digital Library of India. Includes Chapter XII Salonika, page 236. OCR Text version OCR Text version: Salonika
  • The Post Office of India in the Great War edited by H.A. Sams 1922 "The Dardanelles, Salonika and Constantinople 1915-1919" page 103.
  • War in the Air: being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force Volume V by H A Jones 1935. Part of the series History of the Great War based on official documents. Includes Macedonia.
Over the Balkans and South Russia, being the history of no. 47 Squadron, Royal Air Force by H.A. Jones 1923. HathiTrust Digital Library, available to those in areas such as North America. Contents details. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01001895421 . Also reprinted in 1987.
The Balkan Cockpit, the political and military story of the Balkan Wars in Macedonia by W H Crawfurd Price 1915
Light on the Balkan Darkness by Crawfurd Price 1915
The Dawn of Armageddon or The provocation by Serbia, (vide German note to neutrals, Jan. 11, 1917) by Crawfurd Price 1917
The Role of Serbia. A brief account of Serbia's place in world politics and her services during the war by Crawfurd Price, formerly Correspondent of the Times with the Serbian Army. 1918
Serbia's Part in the War, Volume I: The Rampart against Pan-Germanism being the political and military story of the Austro-Serbian campaigns by Crawfurd Price 1918. This appears to have been the only volume published.
From Serbia to Jugoslavia: Serbia's Victories, Reverses and Final Triumph, 1914-1918 by Gordon Gordon-Smith 1920
"With the First Red Cross Mission to Serbia". Extract from Chapter X , Surgeon's Journey by James Johnston Abraham, in charge of The First British Red Cross Serbian Mission in 1915.
The Luck of Thirteen : Wanderings and Flight through Montenegro and Serbia by Mr and Mrs Jan Gordon 1916 Jan was acting as engineer to Dr Berry’s Serbian Mission from the Royal Free Hospital, and his wife Jo was a V A D. After six months they took a holiday, leaving with two knapsacks.
The Flaming Sword in Serbia and Elsewhere by Mrs St. Clair Stobart 1916 The author organized and directed a hospital for the Serbian Relief Fund
My diary in Serbia, April 1, 1915-Nov. 1, 1915 by Monica M Stanley, attached to the Stobart Field Hospital in Serbia. 1916
Letters from a Field Hospital by Mabel Dearmer 1915 The husband of author Mabel Dearmer was appointed as Chaplain to the British units in Serbia, so she volunteered as an orderly with the Stobart Serbian Unit. She died at Kragujevatz of typhoid fever July 1915.
The Retreat from Serbia through Montenegro and Albania by Olive M Aldridge 1916. The author was with the Serbian Relief Fund under Mrs Stobart from July 1915, until she reached London in December 1915.
"The Great Retreat In Serbia In 1915" by M. I. Tatham. (Scroll down). First published in Everyman at War: Sixty Personal Narratives of the War edited by C. B. Purdom 1930. Miss M I Tatham served (1915) with Stobart Field Hospital (Serbian Relief Unit), Kraguyevatz, Serbia., now an archived web page. Also at
With our Serbian Allies by Lady Paget 1915 Report of Lady Paget’s Hospital, Serbian Relief Fund at Skopje c June 1915.
"Letter from Skopje Dec 18, 1915" by George B Logan, an American volunteer at Lady Paget’s Hospital, then in enemy hands. Pages 456-457 The Princeton Alumni Weekly, February 23, 1916. Google Books
A Farmer in Serbia by Ellen Chivers Davies. 1916 Hathi Trust Digital Library, accessible to those in some areas such as North America. An account of the nursing (not agricultural) experiences of the 2nd British Farmers Unit [so called because of the funding], Serbian Relief Fund. The author became a prisoner.
Report by Sir Ralph Paget ... on the Retreat of Part of the British Hospital Units from Serbia, October-December, 1915 with a Map. British Library Digital file. Also available on HathiTrust Digital Library
  • With Serbia into Exile; an American's Adventures with the Army that Cannot Die by Fortier Jones 1916. Paul Fortier Jones, American journalist was initially with the Columbia University Relief Expedition, for the relief of non combatants. These men were recruited as drivers - each to have an automobile for carrying supplies together with an English-speaking Serb to act as an interpreter. He subsequently joined the Christitch Mission at Valjevo, run by Mlle Anna Christitch, of the London Daily Express.
  • The Stricken Land: Serbia as we saw it by Alice and Claude Askew 1916 In 1915, both Alice and Claude Askew, who were authors, travelled to Serbia as part of a relief effort with a British field hospital that would be attached to the Second Serbian Army. They were also Special Correspondents for the British newspaper Daily Express. (Wikipedia)
  • "Serbia", page 79, Part Three: A History of the Scottish Women's Hospitals by Eva Shaw McLaren 1919. Account continues in other Parts, see Contents., (from a microfilm copy).
Elsie Inglis: The Woman with the Torch by Eva Shaw McLaren 1920. Includes "Chapter X: Serbia"
"Chapter IX: Serbia", page 162 Dr. Elsie Inglis by Lady Frances Balfour [1918]
"Diary of a Dresser of the Serbian Unit of the Scottish Women’s Hospital" by L E Fraser page 776 Blackwood’s Magazine, no 197 January-June 1915
At the Serbian Front in Macedonia by P E Stebbing 1917 The author was Transport Officer to a Unit of the Scottish Women’s Hospitals (The author had previously spent many years in the Indian Forest Service.)
"An Englishwoman's Experiences on a Journey to the Eastern Front" by Constance Smith, an article dated 13.1.19. Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Newsletter/Journal, probably March 1919. Link to a download to your computer, which you may need to locate in your downloads folder. She went to join the Scottish Women’s Hospital in Macedonia in January 1917. From the website
Memories of a Doctor in War and Peace by Isabel Hutton 1960. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. She was also the author of With a Woman's Unit in Serbia, Salonika and Sebastopol published 1928, Snippet Google Books. She was with Scottish Women's Hospitals. Isabel Emslie Hutton Wikipedia
The Autobiography of a Woman Soldier: A Brief Record of Adventure with the Serbian Army 1916-1919 by Flora Sandes c 1927
The Lovely Sergeant by Alan Burgess 1963. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library. Flora Sandes
  • "The First World War" Chapter 15, page 186 Salonica, City of Ghosts by Mark Mazower. 2005. Endnotes page 459. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library.
  • A Six-Hour Shift by William McFee 1920 The author was an engineer on a refrigerated cargo ship (supplying frozen meat to the Armee d’Orient), which appears to have been moored off Salonika (for an extended period). 1920. William McFee Wikipedia which states "During World War I he served in the Royal Navy as engineer in various transport ships". He wrote many books.
  • "A Consulate in War-Time" page 306 A Consul In The East by A. C. Wratislaw 1924. The author was the British Consul in Salonika 1915-1919.
  • "Salonika Chapter III" page 67 Last Changes Last Chances by Henry W. Nevinson 1928 Elsewhere, the author was stated to be "the leading war correspondent of the Edwardian era." He appears to have been in Salonika c November 1915- March 1916. Includes a short description of Captain Malcolm Burr (elsewhere stated to be in charge of No 1 Civil Labour Battalion, who wrote Slouch Hat by Malcolm Burr 1935, available at the British Library UIN: BLL01000544165, and for those with University access, on HathiTrust Digital Library). Henry Nevinson Wikipedia.
  • With the French in France and Salonika by Richard Harding Davis New York 1916
  • From The Motor Cycle, Volume 16
  • The Story of the Salonica Army by G Ward Price, the official Correspondent of the Allied Forces in the Balkans 1918. New York edition, published by Edward J Clode
  • In Salonica With Our Army by Harold Lake [1917]. Also published as Campaigning in the Balkans by Lieutenant Harold Lake, New York 1918. The author was with the British Army, an officer in what appears to be an infantry regiment. It is stated elsewhere he was with the Durham Light Infantry.[13]
  • Regimental histories and accounts
    Page 126, Archibald Don, a Memoir 1918. Archibald Don was a medical student who was commissioned as an officer of the 10th Battalion, Black Watch, which was sent to Salonika in November 1915. He died of malignant malaria September 1916.
    Private Powell arrived Salonika January 1918, served with the 9th East Lancs.Regt. on Doiran sectors until February 1919.
  • Glimpses of the Great War: Letters of a Subaltern from Three Fronts Edited by his wife. 1919. The letters of George Herbert Whyte [London Irish Rifles]. He joined a volunteer hospital unit in France, in 1914, and became a Second Lieutenant in the London Irish Rifles in 1916. He was in France, Macedonia and Malta (from December 1916, page 63), Egypt and Palestine, where he died. He was a well known Theosophist. Digital Collection, Württembergischen Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart, with the library website in German. Read online or download, the latter is "Ganzes Werk herunterladen".
  • "The Balkans" Chapter III, page 50 The Romance of the Last Crusade : with Allenby to Jerusalem by Major Vivian Gilbert 1923. Gilbert was in the Machine Guns Corps (Infantry), in the 180th Brigade, 60th (2nd/2nd London) Division ( which was in Salonica for 5 months from late December 1916, until they left to join Allenby in Palestine.
  • On Four Fronts with the Royal Naval Division by Geoffrey Sparrow MC, and J N MacBean Ross MC Surgeons RN 1918 Includes Gallipoli and Salonica
  • "The Royal Marines in Serbia" Chapter 30, page 409 Britain's Sea Soldiers. A Record of the Royal Marines during the War 1914-1919. Compiled by General Sir H. E. Blumberg, Royal Marines 1927. Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Other chapters in this book contain information about troops who garrisoned Aegean islands Chapter 22 page 259 and Chapter 35 page 430
  • "Obstruction’s Gentle Art" by Douglas Walshe pages 433-449 Blackwood’s Magazine Volume 205, January-June 1919. The start of the Salonika Campaign from 30 September 1915.
With the Serbs in Macedonia by Douglas Walshe 1920 The author was an officer with 708 Company M T, ASC, a Light Supply and Ammunition Column of Ford vans attached to the Serbian Army.
  • "Our Serbian Expedition. A Sideshow of the War" page 101 The Boy with the Guns by the late Lieut. George W Taylor, Royal Field Artillery, 1919. A book in the On Active Service series. He was with the 10th Division, October 1915 to c February 1916, when he arrived back in England.
  • "Coming Out of the Line-A Night March with the Guns" by Captain Robert K M Simpson, Royal Field Artillery. Breadalbane Academy School Magazines of 1919 & 1920. See transcription.[15]
  • Salonica pages 94-121 The Grey Wave by Major A. Hamilton Gibbs 1920. American title: Gun Fodder; the diary of four years of war 1919. Both He was an officer, Royal Field Artillery, 67 Artillery Brigade, part of 10 Division, arriving in 1915.[16] A. Hamilton Gibbs (Wikipedia), novelist.
  • "The End of a Long Pause" by H R W page 491 Blackwood’s Magazine Volume 201 January-June 1917.
  • Macedonian Musings by V J [Vincent Julian] Seligman 1918 The author was an officer in the ASC, the Requisitioning or Purchasing Officer for the Xth Infantry Brigade (page 51).
The Salonica Side-show by V J Seligman 1919
  • The Song of Tiadatha by Captain Owen Rutter (‘Klip-Klip’), first published 1919. The author was with the 7th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment and edited the Balkan News. He formerly was in the North Borneo Civil Service.
  • Salonica and After, the Sideshow that ended the War by H. Collinson Owen, Editor of the Balkan News, and Official correspondent in the Near East 1919
  • The Salonika Front by Arthur James Mann, late Recording Officer 22 Balloon Company; paintings by William Thomas Wood. 1920. File 2 both The images in the two digital files vary in colour. The image "Dorian Town and Lake", between pages 42-43, is the header image used by the Salonika Campaign Society and was painted by Wood in 1917 whilst an acting corporal in a balloon company (RFC), although he later became an official war artist.[17]
  • Serbia and Europe, 1914-1920 by Dr Lazare Marcovitch (Lazar Markovic) 1920
  • A Subaltern in Serbia and some Letters from the Struma Valley by Captain A Donovan Young, Captain, Indian Army. Catalogued 1922.
  • The Macedonian Campaign by Luigi Villari 1922
  • Seas of Adventures: the Story of the Naval Operations in the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aegean [1914-1918] by E. Keble Chatterton, [late Lieutenant-Commander RNVR] 1936 Hathi Trust Digital Library. Also see Gallipoli.
  • Hard Lying Full title “Hard Lying”: Eastern Mediterranean, 1914-1919 by Captain L B Weldon 1925. The author was a British Army Intelligence Officer , initially OC of a British Ship (HMS Anne previously Aenne Rickmers) carrying a French, later British seaplane squadron used for reconnaissance flights. Although the most of the book is about other regions, there seem to the occasional visits to Greek islands, e.g. Rhodes and Castellorizo, the latter then under French control.
  • Go Spy The Land: Being the Adventures of I.K.8 of the British Secret Service by George A. Hill 1932. Chapters 4-9 cover his time in Salonika, working for Intelligence, and later for the RFC, where he dropped spies over enemy lines.
  • Tales of Aegean Intrigue by J C Lawson 1921 The author was a Naval Intelligence Officer on Crete (Temporary Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve)
  • First Athenian Memories by Compton Mackenzie 1931. Scroll past some pages in Greek. This digital file consists of the first 193 pages of the book, which are then repeated, followed by the remainder of the book (total 402 pages). For those with suitable University access, also available HathiTrust
Greek Memories by Compton Mackenzie 1939. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Also available to read online on This is the second edition published in 1939, with some content from the original 1932 edition deleted, due to the author's prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.
These two volumes are the 2nd and 3rd of a series of memoirs of the World War: v.1. Gallipoli Memories, (see Gallipoli); v.4. Aegean Memories. For those with suitable University access, available HathiTrust (Review) The author served with British Intelligence in the Eastern Mediterranean during the First World War. Compton Mackenzie Wikipedia.
The American Red Cross Commission to Greece: Final report, Department of civilian relief, exclusive of the districts of the Aegean Islands and eastern Macedonia 1919
The American Red Cross Commission to Greece:Relief work in eastern Macedonia 1919
  • Serbia To Kut by Joseph T Parfit 1917. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Full title: Serbia to Kut: an account of the War in the Bible Lands [Balkans, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia]. An overview of the conflict. The author, then or subsequently, was Canon of St George’s Jerusalem.
  • Les Archives de la Grande Guerre [et de l'histoire contemporaine] French language. In 17 volumes, which have been digitised on Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France in 13 digital files. Volume 17, the final volume, contains a Contents section which appears to cover all 17 Volumes, click on the icon for Table des matières. Then scroll down to "Front d'Orient" for a number of accounts and articles on the Balkans and the Dardanelles, where you can click through to the relevant articles (which may be in volumes other than Volume 17). For more details of this publication, see Western Front.
  • Vocabularies: English, German, Magyar, Serbian, Bulgarian, Roumanian, Greek, Turkish Compiled by the Geographical Section of the Naval Intelligence Division, Naval Staff, Admiralty. HMSO. 1920
  • Fiction


  1. 1.0 1.1 Macedonia Vol I. From the Outbreak of War to the Spring of 1917 and Macedonia Vol II. From the Spring of 1917 to the end of the war Naval & Military Press.
  2. Turner Donovan Military Books
  3. Railway Gazette – Special Great War Transportation Number Naval & Military Press.
  4. jeffward. ‪ "Gallipoli. Turkey Or Italy?"‪‬ Who Do You Think You Are? Forum 22 November 2015. URL no longer accessible.
  5. Gardenerbill. Salonika/Transcaspia/Army of Black Sea query Great War Forum 5 May 2016. It is advised further details may be found in Under the Devil's Eye: The British Military Experience in Macedonia 1915-18 by Alan Wakefield, pages 228 to 230. Retrieved 5 June 2018.
  6. The Regimental Museum Of The Royal Welsh Facebook post 14 September 2018
  7. British Army, Plovdiv Military Cemetery Burials findmypast.
  8. voltaire60. BRITISH POWs IN BULGARIA- SOURCES Great War Forum 21 May 2016. Retrieved 5 June 2018.
  9. War flying in Macedonia by Captain Georg Wilhelm Heydemarck, translated by Claud W. Sykes. Naval & Military Press
  10. Order of Battle of Divisions by A.F. Becke Part 1, Parts 2A and 2B, Parts 3A and 3B, Part 4. Index by Ray Westlake. Naval & Military Press reprint editions.
  11. frev. Norwegian Matron on Indian Hospital Ship Great War Forum 3 October 2017. Retrieved 1 October 2020.
  12. michaeldr. Royal Engineers soldier abandoned in Gallipoli Great War Forum 29 June 2017. Retrieved 12 December 2018.
  13. Page 26 The Other Wars: The Experience and Memory of the First World War in the Middle East and Macedonia by Justin Fantauzzo. Sample pages Google Books.
  14. History of the South Wales Borderers 1914- 1918 by C T Atkinson, originally published 1931. Naval & Military Press.
  15. Skipman. Coming Out of the Line-A Night March with the Guns Great War Forum 10 March 2016. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
  16. "We Will Remember Them All" William Regan (68) Field Artillery Brigade. November 05, 2018.
  17. Salonika Campaign Society, see External links above.