British India

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Scope of FIBIS' Interest

The main focus of FIBIS activities is the ‘sub-continent’ of India but we are also interested in all areas and activities of the British in South Asia including the following between the founding of the East India Company in 1599 to Indian Independence in 1947:

Also included are the activities of the East India Company in London and St. Helena.

See also

External links

Historical books online

  The FIBIS Google Books Library
has books tagged:
History of India

Some general histories available as online books. Please note the dates that these have been written in order to be aware that some of the content may be outdated or incompatible with modern sensibilities.

Volume I [1670-1688]; Vol. II [1688-1757]; Vol. III [1757-1785]. Links to pdf downloads Digital Repository of GIPE, Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune, India.
The View of Hindoostan. Volume II Eastern Hindoostan Contents, Index. Part of the same digital file. Also available Volume II Heidelberg University Library version.
The History of the British Empire in India...1844 to 1862: Forming a Sequel to Thornton's History of India Vol 1, by Lionel James Trotter (1866) Google Books, Vol 2 (
India and the Frontier States of Afghanistan, Nipal and Burma by J Talboys Wheeler 1899 Printed in New York. Volume I, Volume II Includes a supplementary chapter in Volume II, but otherwise the text is probably the same.
  • Volume 1 From the earliest times to the sixth century B.C., by R.C. Dutt.
  • Volume 2 From the sixth century B.C. to the Mohammedan conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great, by V.A. Smith.
  • Volume 3 Mediaeval India from the Mohammedan conquest to the reign of Akbar the Great, by S. Lane-Poole.
  • Volume 4 From the reign of Akbar the Great to the fall of the Moghul empire, by S. Lane-Poole
  • Volume 5 The Mohammedan period as described by its own historians, by Sir H.M. Elliot.
  • Volume 6 From the first European settlements to the founding of the English East India company, by Sir W.W. Hunter
  • Volume 7 The European struggle for Indian supremacy in the seventeenth century, by Sir W.W. Hunter.
  • Volume 8 From the close of the seventeenth century to the present time, by Sir A.C. Lyall.
  • Volume 9 Historic accounts of India by foreign travellers, classic, oriental, and occidental, by A.V.W. Jackson
  • The Cambridge History of India published 1922-1932.
Volume V British India 1497-1858 edited by H H Dodwell 1928
Volume VI The Indian Empire 1858-1918. With chapters on the development of Administration 1818-1858 edited by H H Dodwell 1932
Earlier volumes in the series All
The Economic History of India in the Victorian Age: From the Accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.... Original title was India in the Victorian Age; an Economic History of the People 1904 edition, 3rd edition 1908
[Volume 1] The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province and Kashmir by Sir James Douie 1916. [Volume 2] Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, Sikkim by L S S O’Malley 1917. [Volume 3] The Madras Presidency with Mysore, Coorg and the Associated States by Edgar Thurston 1913. [Volume 4] Burma by Sir Herbert Thirkell White 1923
1973 reprint of 1917 original with "About this book" by Jamna Das Akhtar.
  • Sedition Committee 1918 Report Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta. 1918. There was also a Secret Edition ref: IOR/V/26/262/1 British Library. One of the aims of the Committee was to “investigate and report on the nature and extent of the criminal conspiracies connected with the revolutionary movement in India.” See previous item for the book by James Campbell Ker.
Sedition Committee 1918 Appendices version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
Report on the Administration of India for the year 1916-17 Pdf download Digital Repository of GIPE-Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics [Pune India].
On, many being mirror versions from from Digital Library of India.
1917-18; 1919; 1920;
1921-22; 1922-23 (1923), Contents, Index; 1923-24 (1924), Contents, Index; 1924-25; 1925-26 (1926) Contents, Index; 1926-27; 1927-28; 1928-29; 1929-30;
1930-1931 (1932), Contents, Index; 1931-32; 1932-33; 1933-34; 1934-35. Additional files are also available for these years.
  • The Indian Recorder was intended to be a reference book for the period., including Digital Library of India Collection.
April-June 1932; July-September,1932; October-December,1932; January- March 1933.
Years Of Destiny India 1926-1932 by J C Coatman 1932. Reprinted in 1985 as India The Years Of Struggle For Freedom. version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
The Indian Riddle by John Coatman 1932. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Full title: The Indian Riddle: a Solution Suggested
India The Road To Self Government by John Coatman 1942. version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
Asia In The European Age 1498-1955 by Michael Edwardes 1961., Public Library of India Collection.
The West in Asia, 1850-1914 by Michael Edwardes 1967. Lending Library. Covers European powers and Great Britain, including India, Burma, Malaya, North Borneo.
  • A trilogy about the rise and decline of Queen Victoria’s Empire by James, who became, Jan Morris, published 1968-78. Includes chapters about India. Books to Borrow/Lending Library unless otherwise indicated.
Heaven's Command : an Imperial Progress by James Morris 1980, first published 1973.
Pax Britannica : the Climax of an Empire by James Morris 1968. File 2.
Farewell the Trumpets: An Imperial Retreat by James Morris 1979, first published 1978. File 2 1978. File 3 1980.
v. 1. The Cripps Mission, January-April 1942.--v. 2. Quit India, 30 April-21 September 1942.--v. 3. Reassertion of authority, Gandhi's fast, and the succession to the Viceroyalty, 21 September 1942-12 June 1943.--v. 4. The Bengal famine and the new Viceroyalty, 15 June 1943-31 August 1944.--v. 5. The Simla Conference, background and proceedings, 1 September 1944-28 July 1945.--v. 6. The post-war phase: new moves by the Labour Government, 1 August 1945-22 March 1946.--v. 7. The cabinet mission, 23 March-29 June 1946.--v. 8. The interim government, 3 July-1 November, 1946.--v. 9. The fixing of a time limit, 4 November 1946-22 March 1947.--v. 10. The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, formation of a plan, 22 March-30 May 1947.--v. 11. The Mountbatten Viceroyalty announcement and reception of the 3 June plan 31 May-7 July 1947.--v. 12. The Mountbatten Viceroyalty, princes, partition, and independence, 8 July-15 August 1947.
Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5, Vol. 6, Vol. 7, Vol. 8, Vol. 9, Vol. 10, Vol. 11, Vol. 12 Lending Library.
Article "The Raj Reconsidered: British India’s Informal Empire and Spheres of Influence in Asia and Africa" by James Onley. Asian Affairs, vol. XL, no. I, March 2009


  1. Kennedy papers; link 2;
    Page 263 Delusions and Discoveries: India in the British Imagination, 1880-1930 by Benita Parry, Michael Sprinker