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The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign, the Battle of Gallipoli or the Battle of Çanakkale (Turkish: Çanakkale Savaşı), was a campaign of the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula (Gelibolu in modern Turkey), from 17 February 1915 to 9 January 1916.[1]
Also see
- Ceylon for information about the Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps
- Prisoners of the Turks (First World War) for the experiences of soldiers captured at Gallipoli.
War Diaries
Included in the many records held at the National Archives Kew is the series WO 95 - War Office: First World War and Army of Occupation War Diaries.
Some War Diaries, many of which are handwritten, have been digitised and are available (on a pay basis) online from the following sources: from the National Archives through the Discovery catalogue[2] and through Ancestry which contains the database "UK, WWI War Diaries (Gallipoli and Dardanelles), 1914-1916" (selected, and at times, part war diaries only)[3][4] (search hints[5]) (in addition to a Western Front database). The Ancestry database also contain War Diaries for some Indian, Australian and New Zealand Army regiments.
Transcribed (the handwriting has been deciphered for you!) (series title) Gallipoli Diaries, edited by the late Martin Gillott, publisher Great War Diaries, for British and Infantry Indian Army regiments, are available through[6], in Kindle editions which have a Search facility (anyone with Kindle Unlimited can read them for free). (Download of a free Kindle App is available onto a PC, Mac or tablet - you don't need Kindle). The transcribed Indian Army Gallipoli Diaries are for Headquarters 29th Indian Infantry Brigade 1915 (includes Gurkhas and 14th King George’s Own Ferozepore Sikhs) and Gurkhas at Gallipoli 1915 (a combined edition 1/4th Gurkha Rifles 1915, 1/5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) 1915, 1/6th Gurkha Rifles 1915, 2/10th Bn Gurkha Rifles 1915, the latter four Diaries also available separately.
The Australian War Memorial website[7] contains Australian and New Zealand Army War diaries (available for free)
The British Library catalogue entry IOR/L/MIL/17/5/3951-3953 refers to "War diary, Army Headquarters India, Indian Expeditionary Force 'G' [Mediterranean]. GSI, 1915. 3 vols". There are further catalogue entries with reference to Indian Expeditionary Force G in IOR/L/MIL/17/5/3893 onwards "War diary, Army Headquarters India, Indian Expeditionary Force 'E'/'E' & 'G'/Egypt. GSI, 1914-19. 45 vol", with the note "13-38 = 'E' & 'G'". These records are printed volumes, not available online.
Regimental and Corps Histories, Reports
- History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery : the Forgotten Fronts and the Home Base 1914-18 by Sir Martin Farndale 1988. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01008145796
- Die In Battle Do Not Despair: The Indians on Gallipoli 1915 by Peter Stanley 2015. Available at Queen Mary University of London Library and University of Oxford Library.
- The Mitchell Report: Report of the Committee Appointed to Investigate the Attacks delivered on and the Enemy Defences of the Dardanelles Straits, 1919. (CB1550). Printed in April 1921. Available at The National Archives, Kew ADM 186/600-602.
- The historian Arthur J Marder considers that this report is "highly significant", see Historical books online - Naval, below.
Aviation articles
- There is a series of articles in Over the Front, Journal of the League of WWI Aviation Historians,[8] titled "Over The Wine Dark Sea, Aerial Aspects of the Dardanelles/Gallipoli Campaign". Initial three articles are in Volume 9, Number 1, 2, 3 (1994) by R D Layman, Ian Burns and Richard T Whistler. Part 2 is titled "Operations of HMS Ben-My-Chree, June 1915 - January 1916"; Part 3 "Turco-German Aviation"; Part 4: "The German Wasserfliegerabteilung" by Richard T. Whistler Volume 11, Number 2 (1996); Part 5, "The Defense of the Bosphorus and the Fokker Staffel" by Richard T. Whistler Volume 11, Number 3 (1996). (For library sources, see Royal Air Force - External links, including Imperial War Museums).
- 'Kite Balloons at Sea: Gallipoli and Salonika 1915-16" by Ian Burns Cross and Cockade International Journal [9] (Vol. 46, Number 1) Spring 2015. 1st page of article, now an archived link.
- Further articles in Cross and Cockade International Journal are mentioned in the Great War Forum topic, "Avro ? at Imbros".[10]
- Other relevant aviation articles may have been published in Cross & Cockade International (CCI) Journal of the Great War Aviation Society (UK based) or Over the Front, Journal of the League of WWI Aviation Historians (USA based), or earlier titles. For more details , see First World War - External Links, scroll about 2/3 down the section. Includes links to Indices of articles.
External links
- Gallipoli Campaign Wikipedia.
- "Up to 15,000 'forgotten' Indian soldiers fought alongside Anzacs" by Stephanie March. 25 April 2015.
- "The Indian Army at Gallipoli 1915" condensed from a paper presented by Sqn Ldr Rana TS Chhina (Retd) at a conference organised by the Australian War Memorial in August 2010, now archived.
- "Gallipoli 1915, a tale of Indian bravery buried in history" by Manimugdha S Sharma September 10, 2014 The Times of India. Retrieved 17 September 2014
- Sikhs in World War 1 is mainly about the Sikhs at Gallipoli.
- The Sikhs at Gallipoli in 1915 (part of 29th Indian Infantry Brigade), now an archived webpage
- A collection of official photographs of the Dardanelles Expedition, 1915-1916. The Serving Soldier King’s College London. Includes Indian troops.
- A search for Gallipoli can be made on Autralian War Memorial Website
- Gallipoli and the Anzacs
- "The French at Gallipoli" Great War Forum topic.[11]
- Aegean Air War 1915–1918
- "Wings over Gallipoli: our stealth mission revealed" by David Ellery April 24, 2012 The Canberra Times. The role of the Royal Naval Air Service and the Ark Royal which carried sea planes and wheeled aircraft, and the extensive use of aerial reconnaissance.
- Many papers by USA military personnel, on the Dardanelles and Gallipoli, are available in the, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Collection using search term Dardanelles, and search term Gallipoli.
- Operational Aspects of the Dardanelles Campaign, 1915 by L. C. Mason Captain U. S. Navy. A paper submitted to the Faculty of the Naval War College 16 May 1994.
- From Legend to Learning: Gallipoli and the Military Revolution of World War I by Michael Evans April 2000. Land Warfare Studies Centre Working Paper No. 110, now an archived webpage.
- Gallipoli 1915 by Graham Dunlop (Retired Colonel, the Royal Marines), now an archived webpage. A presentation at the NIDS International Forum on War History, 13th Forum 2014. National Institute for Defence Studies, Tokyo Japan.
- Photographs of articles in the Derby Evening Telegraph, December 1981, serialising extracts from the diary kept by Private Clarence Whittaker, RAMC, at Gallipoli in 1915. Wellcome Library Digital Collection. Catalogue reference RAMC/1894.
- Anzac Hero, Police Legend: An Adventure like no other by Lawrence J Harvey. The Story of William Harvey MC pdf, html version William Harvey was initially with the British Army in India c 1906-c 1911 when he and an Australian soldier friend deserted and went to Australia. He was subsequently with the Australian Army at Gallipoli. Note, the extracts within by Digger Craven are considered to be fiction, see Historical books online, Fiction below.
- "Guests of the Sultan: Gallipoli POW" - Zoom Talk 2 by Stephen Chambers 23 February 2021. Gallipoli Association YouTube video (1:34:05).
- Videos: World War One Through Arab Eyes by Tunisian writer and broadcaster Malek Triki.[12] Al Jazeera English. YouTube videos. Episode One: The Arabs . They fought as conscripts for the European colonial powers occupying Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia – and for the Ottomans on the side of Germany and the Central Powers. Episode two: The Ottomans. Includes the history of the Ottoman-Germany relationship. Episode three: The New Middle East. Includes the way Britain and France divided the former Ottoman Empire between them.
- Historical Peninsular of Gallipoli. 360tr, a Turkish website. Panoramas (videos) of the landscape. Click on locations on the map.
Sketches online
- Crusading at Anzac A. D. 1915 pictured and described by Signaller Ellis Silas. A Soldier Artist serving with the Australian Imperial Forces. Published 1916. National Library of Australia. Note: it is possible to rotate the images, by the icon in the lower RHS of the book reader.
- An artist at The Landing—Signaller Silas, with links to his biography, sketches and diary extracts (the latter, 2 webpages)., now archived.
- Sketches by then Captain Leslie Gore from the State Library of NSW. Sketches at Gallipoli, 1915, catalogue reference PXE 702. There are some additional sketches of Gallipoli at the beginning of the series [World War I sketches], catalogue reference PXE 703. Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge. Download is possible.
- A selection of these sketches is described in An artist at Gallipoli – Major Hore with his Biographical details., archived pages. He was with 4th reinforcements for the 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment, joining the regiment at Gallipoli on 26 May 1915.
Maps online
- Gallipoli Gazetteer Shows location of many different places, including both English and Turkish names.
- TrenchMapper Western Front Association. Access link for the public. WFA members get privileged access via the WFA login page. The site launched on 28th March 2022 with more than 1,100 maps but in the future that number is planned to reach approximately 7,000. The main emphasis at introduction is on the Western Front and Gallipoli but other theatres will be added in the future. All maps are free to use, while some maps can be downloaded for a fee. WFA members get two free maps a month and are able to zoom in further for more detail. For the left hand side menu select "Frequently Asked Questions" which has links to many other sections with information such as Using the site; About the project; Knowledge Centre.
- Catalogued as [A collection of military maps of the Gallipoli Peninsula] by [G.H.Q. M.E.F.] British Library Digital.
- Trench maps of Suvla (provisional) 1:10 000 series (Square 105)
- Trench maps of Suvla (provisional) 1:10 000 series (Squares 134 & 135).
- To enlarge, click on "Full size printable image'. Both British Library Online Gallery.
- "World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- Turkey -- Gallipoli Peninsula -- Maps.". Select "All online" filter, right hand side of the webpage. 32 online maps from National Library of Australia.
- "Gallipoli" page 109 A Military Atlas of the First World War by Arthur Banks 1975. Lending Library.
- Also see "Historical books online" which follows.
- If you need additional maps, the Western Front Association, in association with the Imperial War Museums, has produced a Map DVD of more than 400 maps.[13]
Historical books online
Official histories, despatches, background etc
- "At the Admiralty", page 81, Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913-1919 by Djemal Pasha, Formerly…Imperial Ottoman Naval Minister, Commander of the Fourth Army in Sinai, Palestine and Syria. 1922 The author was Naval Minister from February 1914, until the outbreak of the war when he was promoted.
- Miscellaneous No.13 (1914): Correspondence respecting events leading to the rupture of relations with Turkey Presented to both Houses of Parliament November 1914. HMSO 1914
- Miscellaneous No.14 (1914): Despatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople summarising events leading up to Rupture of Relations with Turkey, and reply thereto. Presented to both Houses of Parliament December 1914. HMSO 1914
- The Ship that Changed the World : the escape of the Goeben to the Dardanelles in 1914 by Dan Van der Vat 1986. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The Straits Trilogy by Geoffrey Miller 1996-1999. Transcriptions.
- Superior Force : the conspiracy behind the escape of Goeben and Breslau by Geoffrey Miller 1996 ISBN 0 85958 635 9;
- Straits: British Policy towards the Ottoman Empire and the Origins of the Dardanelles Campaign by Geoffrey Miller 1997 ISBN 0 85958 663 4;
- The Millstone: British Naval Policy in the Mediterranean, 1900-1914, the Commitment to France and British Intervention in the War by Geoffrey Miller 1999 ISBN 0 85958 690 1
- "Chapter VII: The Worst-Kept Secret of the War: The Dardanelles 1915" page 87 Secret Service by Major-General Sir George Aston, formerly of the Naval Intelligence Department and the Secretariat of the War Cabinet 1930
- By Ships Alone : Churchill and the Dardanelles by Jeffrey D Wallin 1981. Lending Library
- History of the Great War Based on Official Documents: Military Operations Gallipoli: Volume I Inception of the Campaign to May 1915 by Br.-General C F Aspinall-Oglander, 1929 edition, 1935 edition, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Military Operations Galliopli Vol-I Maps And Appendices 1929 Spelling is as catalogued. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Note most of the maps are missing.
- Military Operations Gallipoli Volume II. Full title: History of the Great War Based on Official Documents: Military Operations Gallipoli: Volume II May 1915 to the Evacuation. The digital file is a series of multiple Parts. Missing the Title page and Contents, Index is at the end of the book. Mirror of multiple files from STOU Digital Repository, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand. Note, the STOU website has been noticed to be unavailable at times. Possibly may be open only during "office hours".
- 6 Maps titled "The Third Battle of Krithia" University of Toronto. From Military Operations: Gallipoli Volume II Maps and Appendices, (maps in back pocket) see catalogue entry
- The Ancestry owned pay website fold3 includes an online book Gallipoli, (located in Military Books-located by the Search/Turkey) which consists of reprint editions from Naval & Military Press of the four volumes of Military Operations Gallipoli (being two volumes of text, and two volumes of appendices, but possibly missing the maps from the back pockets).
- Notes on the Turkish Army, with a short vocabulary of Turkish words and phrases. 1915, a War office booklet, is available in a reprint edition,[14] which in turn is available as a digital book on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Turkey.
- History of the Great War based on official documents. Order of Battle of Divisions Parts 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B and 4 all by Major A.F. Becke (London: HMSO, 1935-1945). Most are available on or Google Books, and all on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, which also includes a later Index volume. For details see Western Front- Historical books online-Official Histories and Battles. Includes Gallipoli.
- There were subsequent publications Order of Battle of Divisions Part 5A, Divisions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand and those in East Africa, compiled by F.W. Perry c 1992. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01006378898 and Order of Battle of Divisions. Part 5B, Indian Army Divisions compiled by F. W. Perry c 1993 available at the B.L. UIN: BLL01008151437 . The latter is also catalogued with the additional title History of the Great War : based on official documents.
- Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918 includes Volume I – The Story of ANZAC from the outbreak of war to the end of the first phase of the Gallipoli Campaign, May 4, 1915 (11th edition, 1941),Volume I: Prefaces, Contents, List of illustrations, List of maps, List of sketch maps, Abbreviations, Chronology to the end of April 1915; Volume II – The Story of ANZAC from 4 May, 1915, to the evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula (11th edition, 1941), Volume II: Preface, Contents, Lists of illustrations, List of maps, and Chronology from 30th April 1915 to 8th January 1916 Australian War Memorial website.
- Official History of the Australian Army Medical Services, see Medical, below.
- 23 September 1915 letter about Gallipoli from Keith Arthur Murdoch, then Australian war correspondent, to Australian Prime Minister Andrew Fisher (written from London).
- Pdf, html version Record is from National Library of Australia, catalogue entry Papers of Sir Keith Arthur Murdoch, 1908-1967 Manuscript reference no.: MS 2823. NLA viewer.
- The New Zealanders at Gallipoli by Major Fred Waite, N Z E 2nd edition 1921 transcribed edition, with images correctly rotated. Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government.
- Life of an Irish Soldier. Reminiscences of General Sir Alexander Godley 1939 Alexander Godley Wikipedia. During the Gallipoli campaign, Godley commanded the composite New Zealand and Australian Division, before taking over command of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps for the final stages of the campaign.
- French Official Histories: Les Armées françaises dans la Grande Guerre French language. Includes: Tome VIII. La campagne d'Orient (Dardanelles et Salonique) in three volumes including Premier volume. La campagne d'Orient jusqu'à l'intervention de la Roumanie (février 1915 - août 1916). There are maps (Cartes) and panoramic sketches (Croquis panoramiques).
- English language translation of the Turkish General Staff Military History and Strategic Institute's History of the Dardanelles Front Operations Amphibious Operations [The Gallipoli Campaign]
- Official historical account of the Dardanelles Campaign by Genelkurmay Baskanligi [Chief of General Staff] Turkey English translation 1925. Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library [USA Army]. Typescript copy translated from the Turk by Captain Larcher; translated from the French by Captain E.M. Benitez, the French translation appearing in Les Archives de la Grande Guerre, Volume 17 page 129 and page 257, published 1924. (
- Online histories, Turkish language, from Ministry of National Defence, Republic of Turkey. Includes maps. Çanakkale Harbi Seris, Turkish language. Çanakkale War Series Google Translate English version of the website, (but not the histories). Includes item 6 Çanakkale Deniz Savaşı or Canakkale Sea Battle, and item 7 Birinci Dünya Harbi'nde Türk Harbi, Çanakkale Cephesi Harekâtı V. Cilt 1,2,3 Kitapların Özetlenmiş Tarihi or Turkish War in the First World War, Çanakkale Front Operation V. Volume 1,2,3. The latter is a summarised edition of three volumes. Direct pdf link for item 7, Turkish language.
- Der Kampf um die Dardanellen 1915 Part of the series Schlachten des Weltkrieges. German language. The Digital State Library of Upper Austria. To view the photographs and maps, click on the Thumbnail gallery and select.
- Gallipoli Diary by Sir Ian Hamilton 1920. Volume I, Volume II. Volume II includes informative Appendices relating to Artillery and Instructions.
- Sir Ian Hamilton’s Despatches from the Dardanelles 1915
- Ian Hamilton’s Final Despatch 1916
- Despatches from the Front. Gallipoli and the Dardanelles 1915-1916 Introduced and compiled by John Grehan and Martin Mace 2014 Books to Borrow. Despatches from Sir Ian Hamilton, Sir Charles Munro, Sir John de Robeck.
- Gallipoli Page 249 Khaki and Gown : an Autobiography by Field-Marshal Lord Birdwood 1941. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Birdwood was Corps Commander Australian and New Zealand contingent.
- Five Years in Turkey by Otto Liman von Sanders, translated, from the 1920 German edition Funf Jahre Turkei, by Col Carl Reichman, US Army (Retired) published 1927 by the United States Naval Institute. Contents. With two maps at the back of the book. Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt. Also available version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Fünf Jahre Türkei Original 1920 German edition.
- "General Liman von Sanders on the Dardanelles Campaign" page 56 The Army Quarterly Volume 7, 1923 October- 1924 January. A Precis.
- The Dardanelles Campaign by General Liman von Sanders translation and comments by E.H. Schulz, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, US Army (The Engineer School, Fort Humphreys, Virginia) 1931 An extract and translation from the above book Funf Jahre Turkei.
- Includes a short abstract translation from the account of the German Major E R Prigge.[15]
- The Campaign in Gallipoli by Hans Kannengiesser Pasha 1928, translated by Major C.J.P. Ball from the original German edition Gallipoli, Bedeutung und Verlauf der Kämpfe 1915, published 1927.
- "Two German Accounts of Gallipoli" page 377 The Army Quarterly Volume 14, 1927 April- July. Includes Kannengiesser's Gallipoli.
- Landing of the British forces in Gallipoli, 1915 by Hans Kannengiesser Pasha. New translated version 1940, extract from original German edition Gallipoli, Bedeutung und Verlauf der Kämpfe 1915. Link to Pdf download Combined Arms Research Library [CARL] Digital Library [USA].
- Author Hans Kannengiesser was a German general commanding the 9th Turkish division in the Fifth Army of General Liman von Sanders. He actually commanded Turkish troops in action, holding the Turkish rank of Pasha - roughly equivalent to marshal.
- Grey Wolf: Mustafa Kemal An Intimate Study of a Dictator by H C Armstrong 1935, first published 1932. The WW1 period commences page 65. Mustafa Kemal was in command of the troops in the southern half of the Gallipoli peninsular.
- Kemal Ataturk, a Biography by Hanns Froembgen, translated from the German by Kenneth Kirkness [1937] German title Kamal Atatürk: Soldat Und Führer 1935, catalogued by National Library of Australia as "Fictionized biography".
- Ataturk: a Biography of Mustafa Kemal, Father of modern Turkey by Lord Kinross 1965. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Wikipedia. He became President of Turkey in 1923.
- Dardanelles Commission: First Report : part I : Origin and inception HMSO 1917.
- Dardanelles Commission: Supplement to the First report HMSO 1917
- The Final Report of the Dardanelles Commission: Part II – Conduct of Operations &c. HMSO 1919? HathiTrust Digital Library. Also available on
- Report of the Committee on the Lessons of the Great War 13 Oct 1932 includes "Appendix III Gallipoli" (Details[16].) Also known as the Kirke Report it is available in a reprint edition,[17] which in turn is available online on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Britain.
General histories etc
- Nelson’s History of the War by John Buchan. published 1915-1919, Volume 6, Volume 9 and Volume 12 contain chapters on Gallipoli.
- Based on the above, but revised, largely rewritten and condensed A History of the Great War, Volume II by John Buchan 1923
- Gallipoli by John Masefield 1916
- The Dardanelles by Major General Sir C E Callwell 1919 A book in the series "Campaigns and their Lessons".
- Experiences of a Dug-Out, 1914-1918, by Major General Sir C E Callwell 1920 The author was appointed to the high ranking role of Director of Military Operations (DMO) at the War Office at the outbreak of the war. [Dug-Out: a retired officer, recalled to employment]. Includes "Chapter V: The Dardanelles", page 86.
- British Campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914-1918. From the outbreak of war with Turkey to the Armistice: Volume I The Days of Adversity by Edmund Dane , Military Correspondent of the Westminster Gazette 1919
- The Dardanelles Campaign by Henry W Nevinson, 3rd and revised edition 1920 (first published 1918) Elsewhere, the author was stated to be "the leading war correspondent of the Edwardian era."
- "The Dardanelles, Chapter II" page 29 Last Changes Last Chances by Henry W. Nevinson 1928 Henry Nevinson Wikipedia.
- "Gallipoli in 1914" page 118 Soldiers of the Prophet by Lieutenant-Colonel C C R Murphy 1921. Also another chapter "The Turkish Army in Gallipoli" page 137.
- The Gallipoli Campaign: An Outline of the Military Operations by A Student. Published London 1923. "This work is intended to be an aid to those preparing for Army Examinations. The endeavor has been to eliminate unnecessary detail, but, at the same time, to include all that is essential for a clear understanding of the campaign". State Library of Victoria.
- Source Records of the Great War, Volume III 1915, by Charles F Horne and Walter Austin 1923.
- "The Naval Disaster of the Dardanelles" page 79
- "Britain’s Failure at the Dardanelles" page 252. The account by "An Officer of the German Staff" page 267 is stated elsewhere to be by Major Erich Prigge,[15] an adjutant to Marshal Liman von Sanders.
- Notes on the Dardanelles Campaign of 1915 by Major Sherman Miles GS. The Coast Artillery Journal [USA]. Part 1: pages 506-521 Volume 61, Number 6, December 1924 and Part 2: pages 207-222 Volume 62, Number 3, March 1925.
- Gallipoli Today by T J Pemberton 1926 "Postscript to the campaign, including descriptions of the terrain, the cemeteries & memorials, work of the War Graves Commission &c." [18]
- The Dardanelles Expedition: a Condensed Study by W D Puleston, Captain US Navy 2nd edition 1927 (first published 1926). HathiTrust Digital Library
- Behind the Scenes in Many Wars being the Military Reminiscences of Lieut.-General Sir George MacMunn 1930 includes Chapters on Gallipoli commencing page 120
- Notes And Comments On The Dardanelles Campaign by A. Kearsey, originally published 1934, is available in a reprint edition[19] which in turn is available as a digital book on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Turkey. Also available HathiTrust searchable, but not viewable. These notes and comments are intended to be a guide for officers studying the campaign.
- The Defense of Gallipoli – A General Staff Study by G. S. Patton, Jr., Lt. Col., General Staff, Headquarters, Hawaiian Department, Fort Shafter, T. H., August 31, 1936., the website The Patton Society. Note, this is a transcription, not scanned pages of the original study. mirror version. Article: "General Patton – Gallipoli A Staff Study" by Lt.Gen. Ben Hodges Şubat [February] 23, 2017
- Gallipoli by Alan Moorhead 1956. Pdf from Also available 1956 edition and 1998 reprint edition, both Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Gallipoli by Robert Rhodes James 1965. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Men of Gallipoli: The Dardanelles and Gallipoli Experience August 1914 to January 1916 by Peter Liddle 1976. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Gallipoli 1915 : pens, pencils, and cameras at war by Peter H Liddle 1985. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- "'Damm the Dardanelles-they will be our grave'" Part 5 pages 329-375 1915 The Death of Innocence by Lyn Macdonald 1995 first published 1993. Also pages 432-455, pages 564-567, pages 580-586. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Defeat at Gallipoli by Nigel Steel and Peter Hart 1994. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Also see Hart's 2011 book, below.
- Gallipoli by Michael Hickey 1995. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The National Army Museum book of the Turkish Front 1914-1918 : the Campaigns at Gallipoli, in Mesopotamia and in Palestine by Field Marshal Lord Carver 2004, first published 2003. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Grasping Gallipoli : Terrain, Maps and Failure at the Dardanelles, 1915 by Peter Chasseaud and Peter Doyle 2005. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- The Dardanelles Disaster : Winston Churchill's greatest failure by Dan Van der Vat 2009. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Eden to Armageddon : World War I in the Middle East by Roger Ford 2010. Includes Part III "The Dardanelles and Gallipoli" page 201. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Gallipoli by Peter Hart 2011. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Book review by Edward G. Lengel c January 2012, archived. Also see the 1994 book above, which Hart co-authored.
- The Fall of The Ottomans: The Great War In The Middle East by Eugene Rogan 2015. Contents.
- Antwerp to Gallipoli: A Year of War on Many Fronts – and Behind Them by Arthur Ruhl, 1916. With illustrations from photographs. The author was an American journalist.
- Ashmead-Bartlett's Despatches from the Dardanelles by Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett c 1915/1916. State Library of NSW.
- Some of my Experiences in the Great War by E Ashmead-Bartlett 1918 includes some chapters on Gallipoli from "Chapter V", page 77
- The Uncensored Dardanelles by E Ashmead-Bartlett 1920
- Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett (Wikipedia) was an English war correspondent.
- The Truth about the Dardanelles by Sydney A Moseley, Official Correspondent of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. 1916 For another book by Moseley, see First World War-Historical books online-Naval.
- Russia, the Balkans and the Dardanelles by Granville Fortescue, Special Correspondent of The Daily Telegraph 1915
- What of the Dardanelles? : an Analysis by Granville Fortescue 1915
- The Dardanelles, their Story and their Significance in the Great War by the author of The Real Kaiser 3rd edition (enlarged) 1915 The author is stated elsewhere to be Ernest Charles Buley, an Australian journalist working in London.[20] The book has been described as a "propagandistic account"[21]
- VCs of the First Word War: Gallipoli by Stephen Snelling 1999, first published 1995. There were 39 Victoria Cross awards made. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Online books from The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Publications/Collections from Canakkale Wars, Gelibolu Historical Field Presidency (Çanakkale Savaşlari Gelibolu Tarihi Alan Başkanliği). Online books about Gallipoli in English, French, German, Turkish and Swedish languages. Turkish language website. Some of the English books are available elsewhere on this page including
- Gallipoli Days and Nights by Trooper L. McCustra, Late of Peyton’s Division, published 1916. 2nd Mounted Division was a Yeomanry (Territorial Army Cavalry) Division
Diplomacy, news correspondents etc in Turkey
- Ambassador Morgenthau's Story by Henry Morgenthau, formerly American Ambassador in Turkey. 1919, first published 1918. UK title Secrets of the Bosphorus 1918. He was Ambassador in Constantinople late 1913 to early 1916, for twenty-six months.
- Inside Constantinople: a diplomatist's diary during the Dardanelles expedition, April-September, 1915 by Lewis Einstein, late Special Agent at the American Embassy, Constaninople. 1917
- Regarding the lack, or taking, of prisoners of war by the Turks: Page 139 June 24, 1915 practically no prisoners have been taken. Also page 145 the wounded are murdered in the hope of pillage and see page 193. Page 229 Aug. 11, 1915 - The Turks are beginning to take more prisoners at the Dardanelles.
- From Berlin to Bagdad; Behind the Scenes in the Near East by George Abel Schreiner 1918. The author spent nine months in 1915 in warring Turkey as war and general correspondent of the United Press of America.
- "Chapter VII Diplomacy in Turkey" page 110 The Craft Sinister; a diplomatico-political history of the great war and its causes by George Abel Schreiner 1920 Includes Comments about Mr Lewis Einstein, refer book author, above, page 132.
- Two War Years in Constantinople: Sketches of German and Young Turkish Ethics and Politics by Dr Harry Stuermer, late Correspondent of the Kolnische Zeitung in Constantinople (1915-1916). Translated by E Allen 1917.
- "Constantinople" Chapter IV, page 60 My Secret Service: Vienna--Sophia--Constantinople--Nish--Belgrade--Asia Minor, etc by 'The Man Who Dined With the Kaiser' 1916. The author was in Constantinople when the evacuation of Gallipoli was announced (page 110). The evacuation was completed January 1916. A press report of the time indicates the author was a special reporter representing the London Daily Mail, and speculates he was a Dutchman.
- "Constantinople" [sometime during April-October 1915] page 247 The War in Eastern Europe by John Reed 1916 The author was an American journalist. John Reed (journalist) Wikipedia.
- History of the Great War: Medical Services: General History, Volume IV by G W Macpherson 1924. Includes Gallipoli.
- Official History of the Australian Army Medical Services, 1914–1918 Volume I – Gallipoli, Palestine and New Guinea (2nd edition, 1938). Australian War Memorial website.
- Memoranda on some medical diseases in the Mediterranean war area, with some sanitary notes HMSO 1916
- "The Fly Pest in Gallipoli" by Staff Surgeon E L Atkinson R N page 147 Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service, Volume 2 1916.
- "Medical impressions of the Gallipoli campaign from a Battalion Medical Officer's standpoint" by Temporary Surgeon J N MacBean Ross, Medical Officer, 2nd Battalion, Royal Marines. Page 313 , JRNMS Volume 2, 1916.
- "Naval Medical History of the War: Official History of the Medical Unit of the Royal Naval Division from its inception to the Evacuation of Gallipoli" by Surgeon Rear-Admiral Arthur Gaskell JRNMS Volumes 11-12. 1925-1926. Initial pages, from page 193 not linked; pages 276-291; pages 36-57; pages 121-140; pages 219- 227; pages 288-309. Includes information about the Royal Naval Division generally, not just the Medical Unit.
- Five Months at Anzac: A Narrative of Personal Experiences of the Officer Commanding the 4th Field Ambulance, Australian Imperial Force by Joseph Lievesley Beeston 1916
- At Suvla Bay: Being The Notes And Sketches Of Scenes, Characters And Adventures Of The Dardanelles Campaign Made By John Hargrave ("White Fox" Of "The Scout ") While Serving With The 32nd Field Ambulance, X Division, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, During The Great War 1916
- Indian Pack Mule Corps page 127
- Fifty Thousand Miles on a Hospital Ship by “The Padre” [Charles Steel Wallis] 1917 The hospital ship that Padre Wallis joined in 1915 was most likely the 'Goorkha'.[22] She was then an Indian Hospital Ship staffed by doctors from the Indian Medical Service, although subsequently became a British Hospital Ship. Includes evacuation of men from Gallipoli.
- The Incomparable 29th And The "River Clyde" by George Davidson, M.D. Major, R.A.M.C. 1920 Also available
- A Consulting Surgeon in the Near East by A H Tubby RAMC (T). 1920. Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine.
- The Diary of a Yeomanry M.O. : Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine and Italy by Captain O Teichman RAMC (T F) 1921 He was with the Worcester Yeomanry.
- War experiences of a Territorial Medical Officer (ADMS, 2nd Mounted Division, Egypt, 1915-1919) by Major General Sir Richard Luce, RAMC(T), extracted from the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1936-1937, "with photographs stuck in". Also includes an index at rear. Wellcome Library online. Includes Gallipoli. If you wish to read online, it is suggested you select “Full screen”, as otherwise it is difficult to read. Articles appeared from April 1936, Vol. 66 (4) to December 1937 Vol. 69 (6).
- The online JRAMC extracts are easier to read, but missing some parts. Gallipoli Chapters 5-9. Missing May 1936, Chapter 5, (available in main link from page numbered 349) 6-7 June 1936, 66 (6) 402-412; 8-9 July 1936, 67 (1) 58-66.
- A Territorial Field Ambulance with the 29th Division (The Immortal 29th) at Gallipoli by Henry Harris 1960s. Wellcome Library Digital Collection. Typescript account of an RAMC Field Ambulance, a unit of the West Lancs, Division of the Territorial Army, transferred to the 29th Division, which spearheaded the landings at Gallipoli in April 1915.
Corps histories and accounts
- History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, Volume VI: Gallipoli, Macedonia, Egypt and Palestine 1914-18, edited by H.L. Pritchard, published 1952. Note: Volume VI does not include information about Signals as "The history of their work is being produced by the Royal Corps of Signals themselves"[23].
- War Diary — 13th Signal Company, Royal Engineers transcribed from the War Diary at the National Archives [UK]. From 5 July 1915 to 31 January 1916.
- The Royal Army Service Corps: A History of Transport and Supply in the British Army, Volume II by Colonel R H Beadon 1931. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Includes the First World War period, with a chapter on Gallipoli.
- "Six Months in the Dardanelles" by Zachabona, page 141 Blackwood’s Magazine No 199, January-June 1916. Page 863 comment: Navy not responsible for blunder at Suvla Bay. Same edition Blackwood’s Magazine . The author has been identified as Robert Andrew Gibb, Army Service Corp, then Staff Serjeant Major, (SS/5246), (commissioned into the K.O.S.B. November 1915, subsequently killed in action at Gaza April 1917).[24] Gibb appears to have been part of a Base General Staff, mobilized at the Tower of London in February, which sailed from Avonmouth on the 'Dunluce Castle', arriving in Lemnos on 10 March 1915.[25]
- Gallipoli Diary by Major John Graham Gillam, Army Service Corps. 1918
- A History of the Army Ordnance Services, Volume III: The Great War by Major General Arthur Forbes 2nd edition 1932, first published 1929. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Includes a chapter on Gallipoli.
- The Post Office of India in the Great War edited by H.A. Sams 1922 "The Dardanelles, Salonika and Constantinople 1915-1919" page 103.
Regimental histories and accounts
Indian Army
- For an Indian Army regimental history, see 5th Gurkha Rifles, the history being on fold3 (Ancestry owned pay website).
- Historical Record of the 6th Gurkha Rifles Volume 1, 1817-1919 by Major D G J Ryan and others, 1925 Includes Gallipoli.
- On Two Fronts - Being the adventures of an Indian Mule Corps in France and Gallipoli by Major H M Alexander DCO, S & T Corps, Indian Army 1917 A book in the series Soldiers' Tales of the Great War.
- Collection 425/415 Statement of Indian units with (Mediterranean) Expeditionary Force "G". OR/L/MIL/7/17591 1915 British Library Digitised Manuscripts
- Collection 425/1673 Appreciation of assistance rendered to Australian Medical Corps by Indian ambulance men in Gallipoli. IOR/L/MIL/7/18921 1915 British Library Digitised Manuscripts
Australian Army
- The Dardanelles : an epic told in pictures. Alfieri Picture Service, London, 1916. State Library of Victoria version, National Library of Australia version
- Australia in Arms : a Narrative of the Australasian Imperial Force and their achievement at Anzac by Phillip F E Schuler, Special War Correspondent of The Age, Melbourne. 1916 With 9 maps and 53 illustrations
- Pictures of The Battlefields of Anzac : a deeply interesting and historical series of views depicting the heroism of our gallant Anzac boys on the field of battle by the war correspondent of the "Age", [Phillip F.E. Schuler] 1916 (Includes on page 23 a photograph of an author, then Lieutenant Hogue (Trooper Bluegum), see his books below).
- Newspaper article "The Divining Rod. A True Tale of Suvla Bay (By a Sapper.)" Gippsland Standard and Alberton Shire Representative (Vic.) Fri 19 May 1916 Page 4. Sourced from British Australasian, a London publication. The water diviner was No. 597, Sapper Stephen Kelley, 3rd Light Horse Signals Troop. [26] (also transcription). Kelley's claims are considered by author Graham Wilson to be "pure nonsense".[27]
- Mules page 18 Snapshots of Anzac by Lieut E. H. Best 11th Light Horse, AIF. 1920
- Trooper Bluegum at the Dardanelles; descriptive narratives of the more desperate engagements on the Gallipoli Peninsula by Oliver Hogue, Second Light Horse Brigade 1916
- Love Letters of an Anzac by Oliver Hogue ("Trooper Bluegum") 1916. Hathi Trust Digital Library.
- From Australia to the Dardanelles : being some odd pages from the diary of Charles Francis Laseron, Sergeant in the 13th Battalion, Australian Imperial Forces 1916
- By-ways on Service : Notes from an Australian Journal by Hector Dinning 1918. Includes chapters on Gallipoli.
- The Big Fight (Gallipoli to the Somme) by Capt. David Fallon 1918 He served with the AIF (Australian Imperial Force) at Gallipoli, and subsequently became an officer with the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Note, at least part of the book appears to be untrue, and the book has been described as a farrago.[28]
- The Dardanelles: Story of the Attack told by Gunner Sidney Prior of the 1st A. I. E. Force Published Brisbane. State Library of Queensland.(May be slow to to load)
- Twelve Months with the "Anzacs" by E. F. Hanman (“Haystack"] [15th Battalion, AIF] 2nd edition 1918 (first published 1916) published Brisbane. State Library of Queensland (May be slow to load)
- The 28th, a Record of War Service with the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-1919. Volume I. Egypt, Gallipoli, Lemnos Island, Sinai Peninsula by Colonel H.B. Collett, First C O of the Battalion. 1922 HathiTrust Digital Library. version.
- History of the Fifth Light Horse Regiment (Australian Imperial Force) from 1914 to October, 1917 ... and from October, 1917 to June, 1919 by Brigadier-General L.C. Wilson and Captain H. Wetherell 1926 (published Sydney). Transcribed version version, also a transcribed version. A description says: The first part covers formation in 1914, the move to Egypt, and dismounted service at Gallipoli.
- The Desert Column. Leaves from the Diary of an Australian Trooper in Gallipoli, Sinai and Palestine by Ion L Idriess 1932 A transcribed version. Idriess was a member of the 5th Light Horse.
- The Straits Impregnable by Sydney De Loghe (pseudonym of Sydney Loch, who fought at Gallipoli.[29]). 1917 The story of Gunner Lake, attached to Artillery Brigade Staff, First Australian Division, A I F. “...this book …is true”. Hoping to avoid military censorship, his publishers originally dubbed the book a novel, but later inserted a note saying the book was in fact true.
- To Hell and Back : the banned account of Gallipoli by Sydney Loch Includes a bibliography by Susanna De Vries and Jake de Vries 2007. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Gallipoli Diaries : the Anzacs' own story day by day by Jonathan King 2008, first published 2003. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- "The Anzac Landing" by Capt G D Mitchell. A series of articles appearing in Reveille, published by The Returned and Services League of Australia New South Wales Branch, April-June 1935. Previously, but no longer available online, but perhaps may return. April 1935, page 12 (digital 14); pages 46-47; May 1935, pages 18-19 (digital 20-21); June 1935, pages 18-19 (digital 20-21). Mitchell, George Deane (1894–1961) Australian Dictionary of Biography. Also see Western Front for more articles.
- "The Landing : First Clash with Turks" by William Cridland, 1st F. Coy. Engrs., A.I.F Reveille March 1930 page 42 (digital page 44). Not currently available, but perhaps may return.
British Army
- British Regiments at Gallipoli by Ray Westlake 1996. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Suvla Bay and After by Juvenis, (pseud) (Lt O G E MacWilliam, 5th Bn Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, identified by Philip Orr in Field of Bones) 1916 The Battalion was part of the 30th Infantry Brigade, 10th (Irish) Division.
- With a B.-P. Scout in Gallipoli. A Record of the Belton Bulldogs by E Y Priestman 1916. With sketches by the author, an officer in the 6th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment, and former Scout Master, who was killed 18-19th November 1915, age 25. Also available HathiTrust Digital Library 2nd edition 1917.
- The Irish at the Front by Michael MacDonagh 1916 Includes chapters on Gallipoli
- The Tenth (Irish) division in Gallipoli by Bryan Cooper 1918
- Gallipoli Days and Nights by Trooper L. McCustra, Late of Peyton’s Division, published 1916. 2nd Mounted Division was a Yeomanry (Territorial Army Cavalry) Division
- With Manchesters In The East by Gerald B. Hurst 1918 Also available where the photographs are displayed correctly rotated.
- 65 R. E.. A Short Record of the Service of the 65th Field Company Royal Engineers by Alan Colquhoun Duff. 1920 The Company was at Gallipoli, and in Macedonia and Palestine.
- War Record of 4th Bn. King's Own Scottish Borderers and Lothians and Border Horse edited by W Sorley Brown 1920. Includes chapters on Gallipoli. Action on 12th July 1915 resulted in many men being killed, and 13 were captured. Includes from page 65, A Prisoner of War's Story.
- With the 1/5th Essex in the East by Lt.-Col T Gibbons (Thomas) 1921 Includes Gallipoli.
- The Royal Fusiliers in the Great War by H C O'Neill 1922 In addition to the Western Front, includes "Chapter VI Gallipoli" from page 86, Salonika and East Africa.
- A History of the South Staffordshire Regiment (1705-1923) by James P Jones 1923. Includes Gallipoli.
- The History of the 1/5th Battalion "The Suffolk Regiment" by Capt. A Fair and Capt. E D Wolton 1923 Includes Gallipoli.
- The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1914-1927 by Lieut.-Colonel C C R Murphy 1928 Includes Gallipoli.
- The Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment 1914 to 1919 by C T Atkinson 1924. Also available as a transcription. Chapter 9 includes details of the 2/4th at Gallipoli.
- History of the Queen’s Royal Regiment Volume 7 [1905- 1923] by Colonel H C Wylly c 1925 The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey) Regiment. Includes Gallipoli.
- The Green Howards in the Great War by Colonel H C Wylly (Harold Carmichael) 1926 Includes Gallipoli.
- The Campaigns and History of the Royal Irish Regiment Volume 2 1900-1922 by Br. General Stannus Geoghegan 1927 Includes a brief mention of two Battalions at Gallipoli.
- The Connaught Rangers Volume 3, 5th and 6th Service Battalions 1914-1919 by Lieut.-Colonel H F N Jourdain and Edward Fraser 1928 The Battalions served at Gallipoli, Salonika, Palestine and France.
- The East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918 by Everard Wyrall 1928 Includes Gallipoli.
- The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers in the World War by Sir Frank Fox. [With plates and maps.] 1928. British Library Digital. Includes chapters on Gallipoli.
- The History and War Records of the Surrey Yeomanry (Queen Mary's Regt.) 1797-1928 by E. D. Harrison-Ainsworth 1928 Includes Gallipoli.
- Regimental Records of the Royal Welch Fusiliers (23rd Foot). Volume IV 1915-1918 Turkey-Bulgaria-Austria by Major C H Dudley Ward 1929
- "The Dardanelles Campaign 1915" page 139 The History of the Lincolnshire Regiment 1914-1918 edited by C R Simpson 1931 [Advised elsewhere "in fact Everard Wyrall was employed to compile the work"]
- Also available in a reprint edition[30], which in turn is available as an online book on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3.
- The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment Volume 2 1914-1919 by Colonel H C Wylly (Harold Carmichael) 1933. Includes Gallipoli.
- My Experiences in Gallipoli with the 6th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment by 10996 Private Paul Gaskell 1917. Transcribed. Gaskell was batman to the Commanding Officer of the 6th Battalion, Lieut-Col. Henry George Levinge. Gaskell self-published his experiences in 1917 in a 24-page booklet. From a transcribed account at, archived.
- Proud Heritage. The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Volume 3 The Regular, Militia, Volunteer, T.A., and Service Battalions H.L.I. 1882-1918 by Lt.-Col. L B Oatts 1961 A transcription. Includes Gallipoli.
- With the Twenty-ninth division in Gallipoli : a chaplain's experience by the Rev O Creighton, Church of England Chaplain to the 86th Brigade 1916
- "Chaplain to the Forces in England and Gallipoli" page 121 Letters of Oswin Creighton, C.F., 1883-1918 edited by Louise Creighton 1920
- From Gallipoli to Baghdad by William Ewing, Chaplain to the Forces 1917
- Mons, Anzac and Kut by an MP (stated to be Aubrey Herbert) 1919
- In the Side Shows by Captain Wedgewood Benn 1919 Some editions have the title In the Side Shows: Observations by a Flier on Five Fronts. The author was a Member of Parliament and joined the Middlesex Yeomanry, with whom he served at Gallipoli. He subsequently became military observer attached to the Royal Naval Air Service, East Indies and Egypt Seaplane Squadron.
- Fife and Forfar Yeomanry and 14th (F.& F. Yeo) Battn. R.H. 1914-1919 [R. H. = Royal Highlanders] by Major D D Ogilvie 1921. Includes "Chapter II- Abroad 1915" page 9 about Gallipoli.
- With the Zionists in Gallipoli by Lieut. Col. J H Patterson 1916 The author was in command of the Zion Mule Corps. For other books by Patterson, see Egypt, Palestine, Syria (First World War) and for pre-war experiences, East Africa.
- The seven lives of Colonel Patterson : how an Irish lion hunter led the Jewish Legion to victory by Denis Brian 2008. Includes a chapter on the Zion Mule Corps. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- Article "The Zion Muleteers of Gallipoli (March 1915 - May 1916)" by Martin Sugarman.
- Also see Fiction, below.
- Trenching At Gallipoli The Personal Narrative Of A Newfoundlander With The Ill-Fated Dardanelles Expedition by John Gallishaw 1917 . version with better photographs. The author was a member of the First Newfoundland Regiment. This Canadian Regiment joined the 88th Brigade of the 29th Division of the British Army.
- The First Five Hundred; being a historical sketch of the military operations of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment in Gallipoli and on the Western Front during the Great War (1914-1918) by Richard Cramm. Catalogued as published 1921.
- With the Incomparable 29th by Major A.H. Mure TD 5th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Queen’s Edinburgh Rifles). 1919
- Gallipoli Memories by Compton Mackenzie 1929 The first of four volumes of memoirs of his experiences serving with British Intelligence in the Eastern Mediterranean during the First World War.
- My Life and Times. Octave Five 1915-1923 by Compton Mackenzie 1966. Texts to Borrow.
- Compton Mackenzie Wikipedia. Also see Salonica and the Balkans (First World War).
- Letters from Helles by Colonel Sir Henry Darlington 1936. The author commanded the 5th Battalion The Manchester Regiment, part of the 127th Infantry Brigade, 42nd Division.
- A Prayer for Gallipoli: the Great War diaries of Kenneth Best edited by Gavin Roynon 2012, first published 2011. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Catalogued as A Chaplain at Gallipoli : the Great War diaries of Kenneth Best. Best was attached to the 42nd East Lancastrians.
- The Fifty-Second (Lowland) Division 1914-1918 by Lt Col R.R Thompson 1923. Missing most/all of the maps. Also available in a reprint edition which would probably include the maps,[31] which in turn is available as an online book on the the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, located in Military Books-located by the Search/Britain. The history of a Territorial Army division that fought at Gallipoli, in Egypt, Palestine and from May 1918, on the Western Front.
- History of the 53rd (Welsh) Division (T. F.) by Major C.H Dudley-Ward 1927 The record of a Territorial division which served in Gallipoli, and Egypt and Palestine.
- The Evacuation from Gallipoli January 1916. Letter from Brigadier General Arthur Wyndham Tufnell, 126th Infantry Brigade, 42nd Division BEMF sent to his wife Daisy Tufnell on January 11th 1916 and later reproduced by the Royal British Legion. A transcription.
French Army
- Uncensored letters from the Dardanelles written to his English Wife by a French Medical Officer of Le Corps Expeditionnaire D’Orient [Joseph Marguerite Jean Vassal] 1916 Book No. 4 in the series Soldiers’ Tales of the Great War. Elsewhere it is stated he was born in Talence, Gironde in 1867, and belonged to the 6th Colonial regiment. His wife, née Gabrielle Candler, was responsible for part of the translation.[32]
- "With the Foreign Legion in Gallipoli" by Ex-Sergeant A. R. Cooper [Adolphe Richard (Dick)]., now an archived website. This is an extract from The Man who Liked Hell : Twelve Years in the French Foreign Legion by ex-Sergeant A. R. Cooper, in collaboration with Sydney Tremayne, 1933, (elsewhere stated to have been ghost written from his notes, available at the British Library UIN: BLL01000776161), as stated in the 1936 anthology Fifty amazing stories of the Great War, in which it also appeared.[33] Cooper also rewrote the 1933 book as March or Bust : Adventures in the Foreign Legion 1972 (BL UIN: BLL01009693296) which is considered more honest and valuable,[34] and wrote Born to Fight 1969 which is also an autobiography, (BL UIN: BLL01000776160). An account by Cooper is included in the 2016 publication In the Trenches: Those Who Were There edited by Rachel Bilton. A.R. (Dick) Cooper, now archived. He served in Special Forces in WW2.
- Les Archives de la Grande Guerre [et de l'histoire contemporaine] French language. In 17 volumes, which have been digitised on Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France in 13 digital files. Volume 17, the final volume, contains a Contents section which appears to cover all 17 Volumes, click on the icon for Table des matières. Then scroll down to "Front d'Orient" for a number of articles on the Balkans and the Dardanelles, where you can click through to the relevant articles (which may be in volumes other than Volume 17). For more details of this publication, see Western Front.
New Zealand Army
- Handwritten Gallipoli historical records and war diary, 1st Battery, NZFA by Clyde McGilp. War diary contains a day-by-day account of operations of McGilp's 1st Battery for most of 1915 with brief entries for the beginning of 1916. Record details. Both
- Light and Shade in War by Captain Malcolm Ross, Official War Correspondent with the New Zealand Forces and Noel Ross of The Times (lately Lance-Corporal with the Anzacs and Lieutenant Territorial Artillery 1916. Includes chapters about Gallipoli.
- On the Anzac Trail : being Extracts from the Diary of a New Zealand Sapper by 'Anzac' 1916 Book No. 7 in the series Soldiers’ Tales of the Great War.
- Mules page 171
- Letter about the evacuation 19 December 1915 from Cpl G G M Mitchell 12/2392 - 1st Auckland Infantry Battalion NZEF (Transcription[35])
Turkish Army
- Translated Turkish Works on Gallipoli
- The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, Lt-Col. Sefik Aker Account Desert Column website (link may be slow to open). In 1935, Lieutenant Colonel Sefik Aker, commander of the 27th Infantry Regiment, produced a small book called: Canakkale - Ariburnu savaslari ve 27 alay (The Dardanelles - The Ariburnu Battles and the 27th Regiment), some of which has been translated.
- Gallipoli 1915 : Bloody Ridge (Lone Pine) diary of Lt. Mehmed Fasih, 5th Imperial Ottoman Army. Translated and edited by Hasan Basri Danişman. Second edition 2003. Transliteration by Murat Çulcu first published 1997. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- From Dardanelles to Palestine by Captain Sarkis Torossian. Boston,USA. 1947 Article: 'How the Armenian Genocide Forced a Loyal Ottoman Officer to Espouse the Arab Revolt" by Joseph A. Kéchichian, Contemporary Review of the Middle East, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2014. Captain Torossian was of Armenian descent & fought at Gallipoli as an Artillery observer in the Turkish Army. After the Armenian genocide he switched sides & commanded 6.000 Arabian horsemen with the Allied army to Damascus. Article "A short history of the Torossian debate" by Taner Akçam Journal of Genocide Research, 2015 Vol. 17, No. 3, 345– Some do not believe the account to be true. Other articles about Torossian's book may be found on Ayhan Aktar
In the Air
- The War in the Air: being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force. Volume II by H A Jones 1928 Includes Gallipoli. Includes Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS).
- "Aircraft in the Dardanelles", pages 135-137 The Great War in the Air, Volume I by Edgar Middleton (late RNAS And RAF) 1920. HathiTrust Digital Library.
- "Part III The Dardanelles (March to December 1915)" pages 213-288 Fights and Flights by Charles Rumney Samson 1930. RNAS.
- Gallipoli 1915 by Joseph Murray 1977. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. First published in 1965 as Gallipoli as I saw it. Joseph Murray, of Hood Battalion, Royal Navy Division died in 1994, aged 97, one of the longest lived survivors of Gallipoli. Elsewhere a comment has been seen that this is considered one of the best personal accounts of a soldier’s time at Gallipoli.
- The Dardanelles; colour sketches from Gallipoli by Norman Wilkinson 1915 Norman Wilkinson (artist) Wikipedia. He served in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.
- On Four Fronts with the Royal Naval Division by Geoffrey Sparrow MC, and J N MacBean Ross MC Surgeons RN 1918 Includes Gallipoli and Salonica. The Division was under the authority of the Admiralty at Gallipoli.
- Also see above "Official History of the Medical Unit of the Royal Naval Division..."
- At Antwerp and the Dardanelles by Rev. H.C. Foster [1918]. HathiTrust Digital Library, available full view to those in areas such as North America. Also available The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism website. Elsewhere it is advised Rev. Foster was a temporary chaplain with 2nd Royal Naval Brigade, Anson Battalion.
- The Royal Naval Division by Douglas Jerrold 1923. Includes Gallipoli. National Library of Australia. The Division was under the authority of the Admiralty at Gallipoli. Also available version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- The Hawke Battalion. Some personal records ... 1914-1918 by Douglas Jerrold 1925. version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- Page 131 Georgian Adventure The Autobiography of Douglas Jerrold 1937
- History of the Great War based on official documents: Naval Operations by Sir Julian Stafford Corbett Volume II, (1921), Volume III (1923) has transcribed editions which additionally contain maps from a separate case for Volumes II and III.
- Revised second editions were published: Volume 2 1929, with maps in pocket available at the British Library UIN: BLL01015219377 ; Volume 3 1940, whose dustjacket cover states "Important revisions" including in respect of the Dardanelles and Mesopotamia.[36]. A facsimile reprint of the 2nd edition of Volume 3 was reprinted by Imperial War Museum/Battery Press in 1995 UIN: BLL01011725482 and it is possible that the reprints available from Naval & Military Press, which are in turn available on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3 contain the revised editions.
- The Navy In The Dardanelles Campaign by Lord Wester-Wemyss c 1924., mirror from Digital Library of India. It is also available in a reprint edition [37] which in turn is available as an online book on the Ancestry owned pay website fold3, (located in Military Books-located by the Search/Turkey).
- Straws in the Wind by Commander H G Stoker 1925 Stoker, of the Royal Navy, was commander of Submarine AE2, which was an Australian submarine "lent" to the British Admiralty, which then became part of the Mediterranean fleet. On 30 April 1915 AE2 was damaged by an Ottoman torpedo boat and Stoker was forced to surrender and scuttle her. Stoker spent the rest of the war as a POW in Turkey, see Prisoners of the Turks (First World War).
- Yarns of the Seven Seas [1927] by Commander F G Cooper (Frederick George), RNR includes 3 chapters in respect of the Gallipoli campaign, "A Voyage in a Torpedo Boat" page 81, "The Beach" page 109 and "The Landing" page 176.
- Dardanelles Dilemma: The Story of the Naval Operations by E. Keble Chatterton 1935 HathiTrust Digital Library, with rotatable pages, but possibly not available in USA. Also available version, mirror from Digital Library of India.
- The Naval Memoirs Of Admiral Of The Fleet Sir Roger Keyes. The Narrow Seas to the Dardanelles 1910-1915 1934
- “Hard Lying”: Eastern Mediterranean, 1914-1919 by Captain L B Weldon 1925., mirror from Digital Library of India. Contains one chapter on the Gallipoli landing. The author was onboard, as an Intelligence Officer, one of the covering ships, the Euryalus, the ship which carried Admiral Wemyss.
- "A Dardanelles Exploit" by One who took part in it. [Arthur B.-W.], page 497 Blackwood’s Magazine July-December 1915. The story of the torpedo attack on the wreck of the submarine E15.
- Britain's Sea Soldiers. A Record of the Royal Marines during the War 1914-1919. Compiled by General Sir H. E. Blumberg, Royal Marines 1927. HathiTrust Digital Library. mirror version. Includes chapters on the Dardanelles.
- With Machine-Guns in Gallipoli "Reprinted from the Westminster Gazette" by Lieutenant-Commander Josiah Wedgwood 1915 HathiTrust Digital Library. mirror version.
- "Dardanelles Operations" page 59 Naval power in the war (1914-1917) by Lieut. Comdr Charles C Gill, U S N. 1918
- With the Fleet in the Dardanelles, some impressions of naval men and incidents during the campaign in the spring of 1915 by William Harold Price, Sometime Chaplain of HMS Triumph c 1915
- The immortal gamble and the part played in it by H. M. S. "Cornwallis" by A T Stewart, Acting Commander R N and Rev C J E Peshall , Chaplain R N 1917
- "The First Kite Balloon Ship: HMS "Manica" at Gallipoli" page 141 The Navy Everywhere by Conrad Cato [real name Cyril Cox RNR] 1919.
- "Seamen at Gallipoli" page 100 The Heroic Record of the British Navy; a Short History of the Naval War, 1914-1918 by Archibald Hurd and H H Bashford 1919
- "In the Mediterranean Sea” page 127 The Naval Front by Gordon S Maxwell, Lieut. RNVB illustrated by Donald Maxwell, Lieut. RNVB 1920
- From Dartmouth to the Dardanelles, a Midshipman's Log, edited by his Mother [by W. B. C. W. Forester, edited by E. L. Forester] 1916 Note: the first page of the Foreword advises that due to tradition, the names of officers and ships have been suppressed- those of the midshipmen mentioned are all fictitious. For a later book by this author, see First World War-Historical books online-Naval.
- Gallipoli chapters page 270 Seamarks And Landmarks being Leaves from the Log of Surgeon Captain O W Andrews 1928 There are better images in the 2nd version.
- "Chapter VI" p 110 to page 182 We Dive at Dawn by Lt.-Com. Kenneth Edwards 1941. Submarines at the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara, late 1914 to early 1916. HathiTrust Digital Library. version
- "Anzac and Suvla Bay" Chapter IV, page 43 Bless our Ship by Captain Eric Wheler Bush, Royal Navy 1958. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. In 1915 he was a young Midshipman, aged 15. He was also the author of Gallipoli, published 1975, available at the British Library UIN: BLL01007013414 , searchable, but not viewable Google Books
- World War 1 at Sea - Contemporary Accounts: The Navy Records Society and The Naval Review Scroll down to Part 2, Naval Review letter D “Dardanelles & Gallipoli”, then access the articles mentioned in the Naval Review Archives.
- "The Dardanelles Revisited: Further Thoughts on the Naval Prelude" scroll to Chapter One, page 1 From the Dardanelles to Oran : studies of the Royal Navy in war and peace, 1915-1940 by Arthur J Marder 1974 Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Arthur Marder Wikipedia
- There is a footnote on page 1 which refers to "the massive and highly significant 'Mitchell Report' (Report of Committee Appointed to Investigate the Attacks delivered on and the Enemy Defences of the Dardanelles Straits, 1919)...printed in April 1921" . This Report is available at The National Archives, ADM 186/600, together with ADM 186/601 (Plates), ADM 186/602 (Maps).
- "The Dardanelles and the Gallipoli Peninsula" Chapter 7, pages 61-84 The Sailor's War, 1914-18 by Peter H Liddle 1985. Books to Borrow/Lending Library
- "The Dardanelles Campaign" page 109 A Naval History of World War I by Paul Halpern 1994 Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- A Naval Venture: The War Story of an Armoured Cruiser by Fleet-Surgeon T. T. Jeans, R.N. 1917 The Royal Navy during the Dardanelles operations. Fiction based on fact.
- The Secret Battle by A P Herbert 1919. One of three novels published in 1919 praised for its convincing account of war, and recommended by Churchill.[38] The first part of the book is set at Gallipoli, the latter part on the Western Front. The Secret Battle Librivox audio book by A P Herbert. A. P. Herbert Wikipedia.
- "Legion of Lost Souls" by Captain W J Blackledge. “A vivid firsthand story of the tragic and Terrible Campaign at Gallipoli-The Peninsula of Death” From the deeply engraved memory of Digger Craven, Australian Trooper" Appeared in issues of the weekly magazine Liberty v13 n42 [1936-10-17] onwards.
- Part 1, part 2 not available online; Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
- Likely to be the text, or an abridged version, of Peninsula of Death, as told to W. J. Blackledge by Digger Craven. London, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1937, which is accordingly also classified as fiction, although elsewhere classified as bibliography.[39], and also see comments on page 4 of ‘’The Listening Post’’ 15 March 1937 (RSL WA) …"appears to be a novel whose author delights in much sordid detail" from the Prime Minister’s Department. For a book about Digger Craven at a later time, see North West Frontier Campaigns - Historical books online - Fiction and for more about the author see Mesopotamia Campaign - Historical books online - Fiction.
- Of Guns and Mules by David Lawrence-Young 2010. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library. A historical novel set in the Zion Mule Corps.
- Ghosts of the Dardanelles : a Novel of the Great War by Alan James Barker 2012. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
- At grips with the Turk : a story of the Dardanelles Campaign in the Great War by F S Brereton, first published 1915. An adventure story for younger readers.
- The Fight for Constantinople : a Story of the Gallipoli Peninsula by Percy F Westerman. Catalogued 1915. An adventure story for younger readers.
- On Land and Sea at the Dardanelles by T C Bridges c 1915. An adventure story for younger readers.
- Frank Forester: A Story of the Dardanelles by Herbert Strang 1915 An adventure story for younger readers.
- ↑ "Gallipoli Campaign" Wikipedia. Refer External links, above.
- ↑ Discovery catalogue
- ↑ UK, WWI War Diaries (Gallipoli and Dardanelles), 1914-1916 consisting of WO 95/4263-4359 records. Ancestry. It seem probable that not all records within this range are included, in line with the Western Front database which does not included all records in the specified range.
- ↑ stiletto_33853. Ancestry vs National Archives Great War Forum 26 January 2018. Retrieved 26 December 2020. Ancestry diaries may have large parts (many months) missing compared to TNA files
- ↑ MrSwan. Ancestry war diaries Great War Forum 17 December 2017. Google cache version, archived.
- ↑ Gallipoli Diaries edited by the late Martin Gillott, publisher Great War Diaries.
- ↑ Australian Imperial Force unit war diaries, 1914-18 War
- ↑ Over the Front, The League of WWI Aviation Historians
- ↑ The Great War Aviation Society
- ↑ b3rn. Avro ? at Imbros Great War Forum 21 February 2018. Retrieved 26 December 2020.
- ↑ Umeu et al. The French at Gallipoli Great War Forum 30 August 2018 et al. Retrieved 6 August 2020.
- ↑ PassTHE knowledge by Akhi Soufyan
- ↑ Gallipoli Association page; Mapping the Front DVD Gallipoli: Western Front Association. You may wish to check that the DVD is compatible with your computer/device.
- ↑ Notes on the Turkish Army, with a short vocabulary of Turkish words and phrases. 1915. Naval & Military Press reprint.
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 The Struggle for the Dardanelles: The Memoirs of a German Staff Officer in Ottoman Service by Major Erich Prigge, translated, and with an Introduction, by Philip Rance 2017. Sample pages, Google Books. Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01016984347 . Prigge was an adjutant to Marshal Liman von Sanders, the German commander-in-chief of the Ottoman forces in the Dardanelles.
- ↑ Greenwoodman. Official Inquiry into Conduct of WW1 Great War Forum 19 June 2006. Retrieved 20 June 2020.
- ↑ Report of the Committee on the Lessons of the Great War Naval & Military Press reprint edition.
- ↑ catalogue item, archived.
- ↑ Notes And Comments On The Dardanelles Campaign by A. Kearsey. Naval & Military Press reprint.
- ↑ Buley, Ernest Charles (1869–1933) Australian Dictionary of Biography
- ↑ Page 59 The Dardanelles Campaign, 1915: Historiography and Annotated Bibliography by Fred R. Van Hartesveldt Google Books
- ↑ frev. Norwegian Matron on Indian Hospital Ship Great War Forum 3 October 2017. Retrieved 26 December 2020.
- ↑ michaeldr. Royal Engineers soldier abandoned in Gallipoli Great War Forum 29 June 2017. Retrieved 12 December 2018.
- ↑ Bryn et al. American captured in Turkish forces, Helles, 28 June 1915 Great War Forum 6 June 2020 onwards. Retrieved 9 June 2020.
- ↑ Page from Chapter 2, Grasping Gallipoli: Terrain, Maps and Failure at the Dardanelles, 1915 by Peter Chasseaud, Peter Doyle. Google Books.
- ↑ jay26thBn. An oldie but a... Great War Forum 9 July 1921. Retrieved 11 July 1921.
- ↑ See Chapter 5 "“Sapper Stephen Kelley – 'Water Wizard' of Gallipoli: the man who (supposedly) saved an army" from Bully Beef & Balderdash Volume 2: More Myths of the AIF Examined and Debunked by Graham Wilson 2017. Sample pages Google Books
- ↑ delta, and johntanner AIF memoirs, letters and other works (not Battalion histories) Great War Forum 5 November 2021. Retrieved 6 November 2021.
- ↑ June 2019 catalogue
- ↑ History of the Lincolnshire Regiment 1914-1918 Naval & Military Press
- ↑ Fifty-Second (Lowland) Division 1914-1918 Naval & Military Press reprint.
- ↑ "A Bibliography of Great War Medicine"
- ↑ other ranker. Fifty amazing stories of the Great War Great War Forum 1 April 2019. Retrieved 26 August 2020.
- ↑ Digital page PT846 from Our Friends Beneath the Sands: The Foreign Legion in France's Colonial Conquests 1870-1935 by Martin Windrow. Google Books
- ↑ smclaren ANZAC Cove Evacuation 19/12/1915 ... one NZEF Soldiers Account Great War Forum 19 December 2022. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
- ↑ MartH. Rarest book? post 869, page 35 Great War Forum 12 December 2019. Retrieved 14 December 2019.
- ↑ Navy In The Dardanelles Campaign Naval & Military Press
- ↑ Pages 51-52 English Fiction and Drama of the Great War, 1918–39 by John Onions. Google Books
- ↑ Page 56, item 164 The Dardanelles Campaign, 1915: Historiography and Annotated Bibliography by Fred R van Hartesvelt Google Books