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Provinces of British India
In 1858 the control of British India was transferred to the Crown whose representative was the Governor-General otherwise known as the Viceroy. The land was divided into Provinces under local administrations. At the turn of the 20th century the division was as follows:
Major Provinces comprising the older provinces which had enjoyed a longer period of settled government. They were headed by a Governor or Lieutenant-Governor (except Central Provinces) and were Bengal, Madras, Bombay, United Provinces, Central Provinces, Punjab, Assam and Burma.
Minor Provinces that were administered by a Chief Commissioner and were North West Frontier Province. British Baluchistan, Coorg, Ajmer-Merwara and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
The provinces were further broken down into Divisions each of which had a number of Districts.
- Ajmer-Merwara Districts
- Andaman & Nicobar Districts
- Assam Districts
- Baluchistan Districts
- Bengal Districts
- Bombay Districts
- Burma Districts
- Central Provinces and Berar Districts
- Coorg Districts
- Eastern Bengal and Assam Districts
- Madras Districts
- North West Frontier Districts
- Punjab Districts
- United Provinces Districts
External links
Provinces of British India Wikipedia